by the pain i see in others

bangadrian said:
by the pain i see in others is the worst song on deliverance, but that's like deciding on a worst song on "paranoid" or "master of puppets"...
Not realy. Bad comparison. Both of those mentioned albums are classics... while Deliverance is sub-standard.
Opeth\m/\m/ said:
I hate that song so much, It is by far the worst Opeth song they have ever done, except for maybe Circle of the tyrant. The only good part About BTPISO is the cool intro after that it sucks so bad. The vocal effects, it makes it sound not like mikael which make s the song suck. Delivaerance is good but that song sucks.

You are wrong. And your spelling sucks. Circle of Tyrants is also a great track. The intro is not especially good either.
IAmEternal said:
Count me in on the BTPISIO-lovers club! It's always been a standout track on Deliverance for me, much moreso than Wreath or A Fair Judgement. AFJ is just boring, too long for what it is, has some interesting/great parts but overall I can't be bothered listening to it. By the Pain I See In Others on the other hand is something different for Opeth, the vocal filters add to the atmosphere. Kick ass song. \m/

Nice said.
Yea, great track, love the circus bit and round 3.04 riff where he goes uaaaghghghhhhhhhh. aswell as RISE TO SUBMISSION
I happen to really like this song. I like how the drumming justs blasts in at the beginning. And I really like how it twists into a waltz of sorts in the middle (well, a really FAST waltz anyhow). The effects on Mike's voice really gave it an edge too. Its so different from what Opeth normally does that I can see how someone could be surprised by it, but its so well done that I can't believe anyone would actually hate it.

I guess if there is a negative its that I always have to fast forward because of the huge pause at the end. Really messes up my player when its on "Random."