Calling all Opeth homos

How did I imply that in any way, shape or form? He's grasping at straws for "offensive" ways to proclaim his dislike for a band so he can argue with people on subjective grounds and get people riled up. It's trolling.
People cry "band X sucks" all the bloody time around here, and isn't that just as offensive as saying "band X sucks, and here's why:"? This trolling concept is confusing and enraging me!
Because it really does seem like you're grasping at ways to uncivilly trash a band you dislike? Also your attitude confuses and enrages me but I usually put that aside because you're a product of your time :p
So should everybody who wants to state an opinion start every fucking post with "I know this is just my opinion and I don't mean to say it's a fact like this is totally just my opinion and stuff man like seriously I don't want to offend anybody"?

That's hyperbole. Saying "I don't like X" instead of "X sucks" would be better. I don't think anyone appreciates the asshole attitude that comes with a lot of opinions.
It shouldn't need to be stated and complaining about it ("man that's just your opinion, though...") makes the person complaining look pretty stupid...but, the main fault lies on the one expressing uncivil, annoyingly bullheaded opinions.
Yeah, but the thing is, there are a lot of bullheaded fans that will flame for just saying: "I just don't find the music they make interesting" Door swings both ways in alot of these arguments.
It shouldn't need to be stated and complaining about it ("man that's just your opinion, though...") makes the person complaining look pretty stupid...but, the main fault lies on the one expressing uncivil, annoyingly bullheaded opinions.

Uncivil? Bullheaded? All opinions that are held and conveyed with some degree of conviction can be perceived as such, but that doesn't mean that it is so. In fact, I'd say that it only means that you guys are gigantic fucking pussies whose balls haven't dropped yet and have no business letting go of your mothers' skirts!

Product of my time? Bah, I'll let you know I'm as hip and cool today as I was ten years ago! :yell:
:lol: Nope.

Mr. Velvet, all opinions are equally valid. Or worthless, depending on how you choose to look at it, I guess...

It's phrasing one's opinions in a way that furthers amicable discussion rather than stalemated medieval argument that is the root of the art of conversation. :)
Uncivil? Bullheaded? All opinions that are held and conveyed with some degree of conviction can be perceived as such, but that doesn't mean that it is so. In fact, I'd say that it only means that you guys are gigantic fucking pussies whose balls haven't dropped yet and have no business letting go of your mothers' skirts!

Product of my time? Bah, I'll let you know I'm as hip and cool today as I was ten years ago! :yell:

There's a difference between expressing a negative opinion and being a continuously uncivil asshat about it. So plz stop thx.
Fine, I'll make sure not to argue my points when they are certain to offend someone from here on. After all, we wouldn't want to offend someone, that would be bad... I'll try and learn the art of arguing my negative opinions interlaced with a lot of IMO's and huge buckets of hippie-fucking-love.

Imo, Opeth has declined slighty in quality over the years, being perhaps slightly prone to stagnation, but just a little bit! Also, I tend to dislike their lyrics, well written and crafted as they are, due to their tendency to being a little bit overly artsy with little actual substance. I'm also a little bit disappointed in Opeth's new-found semi-rockstar attitude, because I remember that they used to be good guys. Imo.

Well, that was tedious...