Camel favorites.


May 5, 2005
Any favorites tracks from Camel??

Mine is Stationary Traveller (track 5 on the album Stationary Traveller). Very beautiful track and you hear a big chunk of Opeth's mellow influence from that track.
i like that first track from their album rajaz.. i believe its called 3 wishes. intros pretty nice
I like the title track from Rajaz a LOT. Also, slow yourself down because of the wicked keyboard solo. Irish Air(instrumental reprise) and under the moon have gorgeous guitar work and Eyes of Ireland is my favorite track on that album. Hmm, but if I had to pick one right now it would be Rajaz, I seem to favor newer Camel more even though older Camel is awesome.
I haven't heard much of their music but Song Within a Song and Spirit of the Water are my favorites atm.
Death's Acre said:
I like the title track from Rajaz a LOT. Also, slow yourself down because of the wicked keyboard solo. Irish Air(instrumental reprise) and under the moon have gorgeous guitar work and Eyes of Ireland is my favorite track on that album. Hmm, but if I had to pick one right now it would be Rajaz, I seem to favor newer Camel more even though older Camel is awesome.

yea man rajaz rocks
I really like 'The white rider' on Mirage. Air born is also one of my favourites. From the newer albums I like "end of the day" on Harbour of tears and "Lost and found"from Rajaz best.