Can the hiss from high amp/sims settings be COMPLETELY removed?

So, in a word... no :lol:

As I said in the beginning, I use a gate and it's problem solved, I know... just wanted to learn if you coped with it, or removed it somehow (from a 'purist' point of view).

When I turn off the gate on a sim, that constant white noise gets really annoying, really fast.. and I can still hear it when playing (although I have to listen hard for it, but it's there).
Fortunately for me my amp does not hiss (at least not in comparison, and at the volumes I play at), so the iSP is pretty much out of use.

I will try the things Anssi and MindMunch are suggesting thanks much!

Very nice video Anssi! (Ironically enough, I had to turn off X30 to figure out what you were saying :lol:)
One more reason to get a TS already -and another use for my MT2 :)

what do you think you're turning up when you crank those knobs

hiss is part of it bro

no filters, no eq, no gates, just fuckin dime it and record it, man