Care to mix this recording?


Oct 24, 2007
i posted this in the rate section, but nobody replied so ill try here...:mad:

If anyone is bored, I'd really love it if you could give it a quick mix, so i can hear what it could have sounded like if i had some talent, and to give me a better idea of what to do with the tracks

Here are the dry guitars,
drum midi file (addictive drums),
dry bass
WAV of the crap drums

btw here is my mix
I had a quick go... Didn't have a lot of time (half hour) so it doesn't sound incredible, bit clippy and bass-heavy, might put a bit more time into it later.

awesome! Id put a little more mids and hipass it, but i like it. Did you run the bass through an amp sim? I was just using the DI track haha.
The drums sound very cool.


I'll try to get something by tomorrow...

I'll take a shot at it today. I like were it breaks into the major key riff.

Cool, I can't wait to hear em

Meh, i thought that sounded cool...
i can upload it with that part onto the other tone...
but what do you think otherwise?
Try turning it louder, i found it got progressively better as i turned it up...
dunno, maybe im just tired :p
Meh, i thought that sounded cool...
i can upload it with that part onto the other tone...
but what do you think otherwise?
Its cool
Sorry I forgot to mixdown the drums as a stereo track. oops
what did you use for the guitar tone? we kinda dialed in a similar tone
For the guitars, I used amplitube with some presets i found on and worked on them a fair bit till they sounded good enough...
How's the mix, an indepth review would be really helpful as this is like my 12th or 13th mix and i want all the constructive criticism i can get :p
For the guitars, I used amplitube with some presets i found on and worked on them a fair bit till they sounded good enough...
How's the mix, an indepth review would be really helpful as this is like my 12th or 13th mix and i want all the constructive criticism i can get :p

I dont hear anything wrong with it, except the drums suck. but thats my fault.

It needs some more volume overall.

I don't know how to get that "in your face" sound like Scissors61 got on it. Im a noob too, and im trying to learn
For the guitars, I used amplitube with some presets i found on and worked on them a fair bit till they sounded good enough...
How's the mix, an indepth review would be really helpful as this is like my 12th or 13th mix and i want all the constructive criticism i can get :p

Hey dude, hope you don't mind if I give your mix a bit of a critique, but here are the areas I would suggest looking at:

Drums: Obviously this is just the original mono track, but I'd say maybe some compression/more compression if there already is some might help pull the drums together a bit more. And also obviously different drum sounds might help too, but fair enough if you don't have the facility.

Bass: The bass sounds like just the clean DI, and could do with a bit of compression as well. Also a bit of distortion may help the bass to sit a bit better with the guitar tracks, and get them to gel together a bit more.

Guitars: Sound slightly thin, but tbh I haven't heard very many better sounds from amplitube, maybe try using wagner sharp or some other ampsim if you can afford it? But as far as settings go, it may just be my ears, or the fact that I'm using not very good headphones, but the guitars don't sound very present, so maybe some more presence? Also if it were me I may have pulled the guitars up in volume a bit.

Hope some of this helped.
I dont hear anything wrong with it, except the drums suck. but thats my fault.

It needs some more volume overall.

I don't know how to get that "in your face" sound like Scissors61 got on it. Im a noob too, and im trying to learn

I don't think the mix I did sounded particularly "in your face" :p but thanks! heh. If you want I can post a quick guide telling you everything I did to it?
I don't think the mix I did sounded particularly "in your face" :p but thanks! heh. If you want I can post a quick guide telling you everything I did to it?

well with yours i felt like i was listening to a metal song...mine sounds like a rock track:loco:

Info about what you did would be great

do you use AD too?
well with yours i felt like i was listening to a metal song...mine sounds like a rock track:loco:

Info about what you did would be great

do you use AD too?

I think the metal/rock difference is probably mostly due to the kick sound and the guitar tone.

I'm not at my computer atm, so I can't check exactly what I did, but I think I can pretty much remember:


Ran the MIDI back through AD. Then sent all of the seperate drum tracks to a drum bus.

The only tracks I really did anything to seperately were the kick and snare.

I used drumagog on the kick, and blended in andy's kick sample, then a slight touch of E.Q.

I also added a transient shaper to the snare track, and used a multiband compressor to bring up the 400hz area.

Then I sent the whole drum bus to a seperate bus for parallell compression.


I slapped an ampeg SVX on the bass track and just used one of the presets. Then I added a bit more overdrive using on of the stomp boxes on SVX. I also used PSP vintagewarmer to compress the bass (a lot).


I sent the DI tracks through my guitar port, and used the L6 Big Bottom model and the screamer stomp. Then I LPF AND HPF'd all of the guitar tracks seperately, and gave them all a slight mid boost. I then sent all of the guitar tracks to a guitar bus, where I added a BBE sonic maximizer (I know a lot of people here hate them, but I used it extremely sparingly, with neither of the knobs going past 1) and also a C4 multiband compressor, which I used to bring up some of the mids in the guitars. I also then did another HPF and LPF on the guitar bus just for good measure :p.

Then on the 2-bus I used a limiter, AND the stillwell audio Eventhorizon II clipper, both with pretty low settings. And even with pretty low settings the limiting makes a huge difference to how loud/full the track sounds. I'm not saying that it will make a shitty mix sound good. But it makes my shitty mixes sound a bit better. If you wanna try out a free limiter/clipper, then gclip - and Eventhorizon - are both free to try.
well with yours i felt like i was listening to a metal song...mine sounds like a rock track:loco:

Info about what you did would be great

do you use AD too?

i thought it was a rock track :p
But yea his does sound like a metal track.

Thanks for the tips Scissors61...
The Bass was just the DI, I've now put some overdrive to it and brought it up...
I tried to pull up the presence in the guitars by putting a 5 db boost at around 3500Hz (slightly different mark for each track)

Here's one more:

And another ( i don't like this much myself but want to see what you guys think... It's been compressed to the max :p) :
(oops, forgot to edit the final mixdown so there;s 11 sec silence and no fade out .. sorry)

I'll try a different amp sim later on again...

Edit: oh crap, forgot to put the clean back to distorted.