Cartoon porn is fucking weird.

When the Official Royal Carnage Quote Thread #17 starts, I hope at least half of these are included. What better way to piss all the PC fuckers off? :loco:
you guys are fucking twisted ... normally I gather these jokes from RC and email them to my friends ... but these are just over the line :)

they will never talk to me again if I do ...

fuckin love it
NAD said:
Okay I'm fucking DYING now:

Q: How do you make a dead baby float?
A: Take your foot off of it's head.

:lol: :ill:

A #2 - two cups of dead baby, on cup of ice cream ;)

What' red, sits in the corner and gets smaller?
A baby using a potato peeler as a comb

How do you make a baby run round in circles?
Nail its hand to the floor

What's worse than a pile of ten dead babies?
A pile of nine dead babies and one trying to eat its way out

What's the difference between a truck full of bowling balls and a truck full of dead babies?
You can't unload one with a pitchfork

etc. :wave: