

I Am Nothing
Apr 2, 2003
North Wales, U.K
How did this awful band get away with stealing the name and just changing the first letter of it anyway??? I mean...come on. They were a shitty little Welsh band - now I myself am Welsh, so I have nothing against that - who started AFTER Katatonia, and broke up way BEFORE them. How shit are they - I'm just having a rant about them because they annoy the fuck out of me and someone's playing them in class right now. Gah - just download "Mulder And Scully" and you'll see how bloody horrible this band is.
"Posted by DoReMi - Today at 11:21 AM
Hahahaha! You're Welsh. "

Hahahaha! You're retarded.


And lets hope they are all in prison - evil people that they are. Although, I did hear that The Kovenant changed from being The Covenant because there was a dance band of that it seems to be allowed, so long as it sounds different. I do think that's really wrong, but what can you do?
I think the actual line is

"Things are getting strange I'm starting to weeeerryyyyy, this could be a case for mulder and sceeellllyyyy"

[sorry, I had to write that in the way their accents sound...insert "Worry" and "Scully" into the appropriate places, and you'll have the correct sentance]
Yeah I dont dig multi named acts but then again I myself am in a band with a simular situation. My Band The Incision has had the name of the band since 1995 & copywrote it in 96 & then in 99 or so we had a band named Incision come out release one cd & break up & try to claim they had the name, then now we have a sweedish satanic metal idiodic band Insision trying to take it, fuck um!
Omerta said:
I think the actual line is

"Things are getting strange I'm starting to weeeerryyyyy, this could be a case for mulder and sceeellllyyyy"

[sorry, I had to write that in the way their accents sound...insert "Worry" and "Scully" into the appropriate places, and you'll have the correct sentance]

:lol: :lol: :lol: AHAAHAHAAA, that's exactly how it sounded!!! Horrible song
The Incision said:
Yeah I dont dig multi named acts but then again I myself am in a band with a simular situation. My Band The Incision has had the name of the band since 1995 & copywrote it in 96 & then in 99 or so we had a band named Incision come out release one cd & break up & try to claim they had the name, then now we have a sweedish satanic metal idiodic band Insision trying to take it, fuck um!
HA HA! This is really pathetic man... *lol* but in the same time very amusing indeed.. haha.. shit man, who cares about if you have the similair name "The Incision" I know we dont anyway. I never heard of you guys... but I'll be sure to check you out haha, I guess you play a compleatly diffrent type of music anyway, you dont have to be afraid of getting mixed up with the complex bruutality of INSISION. Our fans have more brains then that i promise, so dont worry.. but please do sit at home and grump about it.. haha .. hehe please do.. please do! :D

For the rest of you whom may be interested in the "sweedish satanic metal idiodic band " INSISION step by at: And judge for yourself...
When I went to the store and asked for the new Katatonia album, the girl was all excited and happy and ranted off album names and how great they were, when she saw me laughing she frownes and asked , you don't mean the HM ones, do you? Needless to say, I laughed even harder.