Caught Somewhere in Time

I agree with you guys that you have to try and keep the tracks in one go, however its not a perfect world. I usually cut songs up, but only when there is a break. Usually there is a number of breaks in songs so there is no point in continuing unless you know your going to hit the mark with the whole thing. When I do Beast it will be cut up into 3 rhythm parts. The start middle and then after the solo i'll keep going. I have realised what Rabs says about solo's. You have to do them in one go. It always sounds much better in one hit.

My studio experieces were similar to Jims although I didn't really have to do my parts too many times which surprised me :) guys do ALL your rythym tracks in one take....!!!! God...... I must be the MULTI-TRACKING king..... :eek: :eek: :cry:

Id never do it in like jim....ill do a section at a time....intro/verse/pre/chorus/bridge/solo...etc..... I believe different sections is better cause you can get a more ' perfect ' take.... less mistakes...and if u flub one section...dont need to do the whole lot again......Also...i believe that some sections require different volume levels.... like rythym under solo....some verses....

As long as you record the whole song in one sitting with same tone....youll never notice...... and i agree...i only ever do solos in 1 take...too noticeable cutting up solos or dubs....
Well, you the 3 - 4 records I've recorded in a studio environment, there we have recorded Drums/Bass & Rhythm Guitar at the same time...and that's minimum. Then you have no second chances. One screw-up and do it all over. :eek: :D That's how I look at it.

Get it right in the first time.
The three first takes are the best, anyway.

Multi-tracking is not cheating in my book, though.
It's up to each and everyone to use it, or not.
Originally posted by Tormentor
Caught Somewhere In Time....well, what can I say. For a bassplayer it's somewhat of a marathon, fast galloping all the way for over 6 minutes. :eek: It's tough, no matter how you look at it. Almost any other galloping Maiden song (i.e. The trooper, Only the good die young, etc) is easier than CSIT, in my opinion. In any case, it's actually easier to gallop with flat-wound strings, like Steve has! But the speed must be gradually built up.

Additionally, I think Eddie's Cellmate could confirm all of this.
(RIGHT?!!) ;) :lol:

PS. You bassplayers should practise to The Duellists!
Now THAT'S a killer!! (stamina-wise)

I'll get a new computer in the fall.
Then I can start doin some work for ya all (, bassplayin').
Until then, keep up the good work!


Hi Staffan! :)

Sorry, I'm WAY behind the times! I've been too busy working on our house!

Anyway, that's great news that you'll be able to work with us, even if it's in the fall! I've always hoped that you could! That's downright kick-ass! I'm lookin' forward to it! Maybe a bit of "Dual Bass" writing is in order?? :heh: :D

As for the bass playing stamina, you're exactly correct. You remember when I was doing my "Bass-A-Thon" thing on the Maiden BB, and I'm sure you also remember me saying often (probably over and over), that stamina was one of the keys to Steve Harris. It's really one of his main strengths as a bass player. Just when you feel that your fingers have had enough, he works it twice as hard. You know from reading my "Bass-a-Thon" threads, but I'll say again that it's Maiden's main key. Harris is the engine that drives thier music, and from the way he pushes the beat at all times I'd say his is at least a 600 horsepower V8! :D

Oh, and by the way.....I've always been a "one take" kind of guy.

I think that it really depends on why you're doing multiple takes. If you're doing it to capture something that's very difficult or out of the ordinary then it's fine. If you're doing it to get a "machine-like" take, then it's wrong.

Remember that some of the best musical moments of all time have had mistakes included, even though we don't regard them as mistakes anymore. (Jimmy Hendrix, Jimmy Page, etc.)

Anyway, I've only done one "punch-in" since we've started recording together. Three cheers to anyone who can find the exact spot. (Hint: it's right smack in the middle of the phrase, no break) ;)


P.S. You know, as I write this I'm listening to "Sign of the Cross" as recorded by the IMG. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... You guys did an absolutely kick fuckin' ass job on this. I swear I like it better than the Maiden version! :D
Steve (E_C), we're so alike it's not even funny, man!!! :D
Let's say we got a one-take-mind... :p :lol:
You always make my day!

The biggest punch-in I've ever heard, or most noticable, is actually on Piece Of Mind and The Trooper. I used to be a drummer, perhaps that's why I noticed it so fast. They punch in Nicko at a place, I think it's during the solo. I must check, but it's very noticable if you pay attention to Nicko's cymbal crashes, so to speak. One of his cymbal crashes is cut short, for a punch-in! Hahaha, yeah, I know they drank a lot of beer at Compass Point Studios, maybe that's why they chose to do this. Anyway, have a listen!

And yes I remember the Bass-A-Thon threads. Hell, I even got it saved, believe it or not! :loco: :lol:

And about Mr.Harris being a V8...hmm...yes, but I more picture it like a steam-engine goin nuts without a driver, like a runaway train! (great movie, btw...Runaway Train, remember?) You could also picture it like a wagon with 8 horses infront of it, all of them galloping at full speed! Metaphorically, that is. I always picture it like that when I listen to The Trooper. Especially the part after the first Ow-ow-ow etc, after the first chorus and all guitars + bass gallop away...then Nicko does his drumfill, the guitars break out into the main duelling-riff and steve continues galloping like nuts! Awww, sends chivers down my spine, everytime I listen to it!
*Staffan does 'rifle-stance' *
(meaning: "I'm gonna shoot every last mutha fewkin one a ya!")

Hahaha, this is (partly) why I started listen to Maiden, in the first place. :) Btw, have you ever noticed that H accents his guitar galloping a lot more than Dave, especially live?! (Up-the-H's!!)

I need a rest now...
Hey guys...for those that have the stamina to play those fast gallops on bass...why not give us slow fingered types some pointers??

About punch ins:

I'll have to go check that out on The Trooper.
Also, have any of you noticed that on the album Brave New World that it sounds like the noise gates on Nicko's drums are choking off the cymbals in various places?
(If it's not caused by gates, there was something funky going on with their recording!)
How are you playing your triplets Mr. Hyde?

When I'm doing triplets I use my ring finger(A), middle finger(m) and pointer (I). I start with ring finger first in the triplet then the middle at end off with the pointer. If feels natural for me.
I'm always praticing triplets. Try it when you driving, walking, listening to music, that how I work on stamina.
I find this works great for me. Once I hear to pattern of horses, I just keep playing. I hit wheel very hard when I'm driving, this has help me to build up strenth in my fingers. Also try using accents when doing your triplets. The tripplets shoud start slow and build up your speed. It's not the speed of the triplet that important, it's the quality of the tripplet is what your after.

My wife is always commenting telling that I'm not a drummer but a bass player. The reason for this is the when I'm listening to music in the car, I keep the beat with my right hand, pointer is high hat, middle finger is snare and ring finger is bass drum. Sound crazy but it does help with timming, and again it helped me to develop strenth and stamina.

Also move you right hand closer to the bottom of the strings. More tension and easier to play faster.

I use my right thumb and pinkie to mute the strings. I have what I call home positions, I play a 6 stirng bass so depending if I'm playing on my low B string or high C my hand moves to assist in the mutting of strings.

I'm not sure what else I can tell you. Keep practising not only on your bass, but when you out, listening to music ect.

Good luck
Constantine :)
Thanks for the tips constantine! I only use my middle and index finger when I'm playing. I've tried working my ring finger into the mix but it just seems to get in my way! I found a technique where I use a downstroke with my nail on my middle finger, followed by a quick upstroke with my middle finger, and then finishing off with my index finger. That seems like it might lead to me getting my horsie moving but it might just be wishful thinking on my part!:lol:

About the drums: I've always been a drummer at heart!! I've always been one to set around tapping, beating, clanging anything that has a decent thump to it!:lol: It drives everyone crazy! I have it bad because I use my feet too, simulating the kick drum! One of these days I'll have to get real drum kit!

Anyway I'm constantly tapping, singing, humming etc...generally driving everyone around me up a wall!:lol:
Crossy: I think constantine said he wants the bass on this.

I'm going to play along to the cd and record myself to see if I can play the guitar on it.
Crossy: I recorded myself playing along to the cd. It's not my best work, but I think it shows that I can handle this song. I would like to share the file I recorded with you to get your opinion on it. The problem is that it's absolutely huge. It's nearly 3MB at only 48k mp3. I'll try to get it up on myplay. If I am able to post it, have a listen and let me know what you think.

Actually, everyone, I'd appreciate your thoughts on the way I'm playing some of the rythem parts. Let me know if I'm playing something wrong. I only recorded one rythem guitar.
I didn't use my tremelo on the solo pieces because it won't hold tune, so I know that those parts aren't exact.
Constantine: I don't think anyone has volunteered for drums on this yet. I have been waiting around to see what would happen with it. I think so far that only Crossy, you, and myself have expressed an interest in this song.

I saw the post by Crossy asking if he is going to have to do it all himself and I thought that I would make a serious effort to see if I can play one of the guitar parts. I put the cd on and recorded myself playing along and I think I'll be able to handle it.

I couldn't play the bass on this song, it's just too difficult.

I'll take the one guitar part though if there aren't any objections.
Ok, I recorded a second rythem guitar track to the stuff I did already. This is just for fun at this point, but I'm pretty confident now that I'm playing it right. I'm going to take down the version I posted on myplay. :)