Chances of a "real" Opeth video


Martriden K
Jan 8, 2004
Spokane WA.
Since they're signed to RR now. I think there's a pretty good chance we'll see some sort of video for the new album.

I am hoping it won't be just another "look at us in the studio recording and playing ping pong" kind of thing like they did the last 2 videos, (harvest, Windowpane).

Due to the length of the songs, I doubt it'd ever get any airtime, but It'd be fucking kickass to have the new album enhanced with a video on it!

As long as it's not a stupid claymation a la Tool crap thing.

Just stating my thoughts.
the_drip said:
I am hoping it won't be just another "look at us in the studio recording and playing ping pong" kind of thing like they did the last 2 videos, (harvest, Windowpane).

I am looking forward to see a Harvest-like video agian. I like that more than a music video.
I don't. I know what a studio looks like. I wanna see something that envisions what the song is/would be about.
If they do have a "real" video it would be cool so see something artistic/unique about it, but chances are it would be low budget like many metal(core) videos where the band's just playing in a dark room or something... and in that case I'd probably prefer another studio-footage thing.
R0I0 said something about windowpane having airtime on mtv, well once I was watching RoomRaiders, (hey I'm not proud, I was bored!) and the riff to windowpane came on, for approx 15 seconds, I nearly fell off the seat...
but if Opeth made a "real" music video, I guess it would be pretty hard to do, and would get alot of criticism, well I guess it would given the expectations fanboys would have...
I think they shouid make a video where they are just standing there playing and loads of naked women are shakeing there asses and bass gets a bone on and per starts play keyboard on bass erect cock. ...Lol thats fucking funny!! but i would prefer the ass shaking during a ritual of devious origin somewhere deep in the woods.....
probably just a remake of the "nothin but a G-thang" video would be sufficient. but it'd be 8 minutes longer...which is 8 more minutes of ghetto booty.
amaranth said:
R0I0 said something about windowpane having airtime on mtv, well once I was watching RoomRaiders, (hey I'm not proud, I was bored!) and the riff to windowpane came on, for approx 15 seconds, I nearly fell off the seat...
but if Opeth made a "real" music video, I guess it would be pretty hard to do, and would get alot of criticism, well I guess it would given the expectations fanboys would have...

yeah, they'll play snippets of lots of metal on those gay shows...but they'll never show the actual videos..I've heard Opeth, Nevermore, CoB on MTV all the time...and I turn my head to check it out..and its some gay reality show or game show.

Windowpane was shown once on Headbanger's Ball. Like the 2nd show after it re-aired.
oh, I know what you mean about the stereotypical low budget metal video.

I don't want that. Hell I'd rather the band not even appear. I want it to fit in with the concept of the song/album pull out all the stops, and make the damn thing worthwhile.
They should make a video of the guys rolling around the hood in their ride, checkin' out fine ass booty.