children of COB
Deadnight Drinker
IT'S B-E-A-FUCKIN-UTIFUL! Well,if you buy it you will understand that. IMO it's a good live performance, some would point out a lot of shit but hey, I think it was well done. They throw some cool shit into the mix, especially during the intro to Downfall. It's worth the buy from the bonus footage alone, so you'll really get a kick out of it.
But dude, stop making threads. There's been a million CRY threads, plus there was a sticky. If you don't start toning it down or using the search function I'm going to talk to the mods about you. You need to just calm down on the new thread button, imo this didn't deserve a new thread, you could have even asked in the stupid questions thread. Use your head next time. You've been told before, and I'm telling you nicely, for the last time.
No it's not. :Smug:
Mostly agreed.
It's a decent live album. Nothing to get too excited about though, as the playing is sloppy as hell.
Couldn't be farther from the truth.
Check out Black Sabbath's Live Evil, please, or Tokyo Warhearts, and then tell me that Stockholm Knockout is the best live album ever.
The playing was sloppy at some points, but it was not ''sloppy as hell'' ffs stop with the ''Alexi sucks he fails at everything he was just good until FTR era'', it's fucking shit. You might not like the new stuff but he's not shit nowadays as most people claims. Although I agree the paying could have been better, especially in the solo duel. The diminished arpeggios Alexi plays sitting on the car and the part after the harmonics are the things that first come to my mind.
Serious? Wtf? Why? It's heavy metal, it's supposed to be fun! And honestly, all those "we-are-so-fucking-evil"-dudes make me laugh...
Anyhow, isn't the content more important than the style? The music is great, the other stuff does'n really matter for me...