Chaos Ridden Years...

To me it'a agreat dvd.....actually one of the few that I can watch from start to finish without get bored....Great stuf..

I hope this was put in a dvd too...(don't like the vocals very much, and Janne looks so out of place :D but the crowd is fuckin nuts!!!)

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I love the CRY dvd: it's the only dvd of its type I've ever bought and played over and over again. I think they got the mix just right, with the live show, the documentary and the deleted scenes, etc; it's really entertaining. I don't care if the live show wasn't their best ever - I think it's cool to watch, and as I'm not a musician, I don't really notice if they fuck up when they're playing (and anyway, so what if they do, they're still a great live band). I hope they'll do another dvd at some point - I'd definitely buy it
Exactly. Many people respect Alexi's music only if it's hard to play. They're missing a lot with COB and should listen to something else.

I would never argue about this one. The problem is that both of you guys missed the point of what I was saying >.< That post was in relation to sloppiness during live ^____^