Charlie is the man!!!!


New Metal Member
Jul 16, 2002
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I thought that was really cool of him to understand both sides of the downloading issue where as a certain other drummer for another big heavy metal/hardrock band did not. I have always respected Charlie and Anthrax but I have even MORE respect for him than ever. It really sucks when people are so one sided. I hate people that steal and Anthrax deserves all the good fame and fortune that they have been denied in the past. All the albums I have of Anthrax I went and bought either brand new or at used CD stores. I don't have a single burnt copy of an Anthrax cd because that is how much I love this band! Please don't just download the new songs and then not buy the record. If you want to continue to see your favorite bands put out great music fucking support them goddamnit! I wish Anthrax all the best this new years and I can't wait to hear all the new tunes!
Yeah, same with Scott. I dunno if I too got him at an extremely lucky time but he responded too within hours.
i thought if u bought a cd used,it didnt count as a sale.i remember when garth brooks had a fit when he new of people buying his cd's used.i think it was on CNN or something.i have both the cd & tapes of everything anthrax has put out except vol.8
I think its alittle bit of bullshit. . .They put up on the site..hey we are no like Metallica here you go download Inside out Live. . .and now all you hear is Charlie bitching. . .Dude . . . give me a break
HOLD ON THERE! Charlie is NOT bitching.
Is this bitching?:
(from the new Blast Beat)
Many of you mentioned that you download songs to check it out and see if you like it and then you would go and buy it. I think that's fine. With the prices of these things - I think it's important to make sure you like what you're buying.

Nope! He's not bitching. He's making a statement.
Charlie is the coolest guy ever.
Originally posted by SAZZ
i thought if u bought a cd used,it didnt count as a sale.i remember when garth brooks had a fit when he new of people buying his cd's used.i think it was on CNN or something.i have both the cd & tapes of everything anthrax has put out except vol.8

You are right, I guess buying a used CD doesn't count as a sale, and it is a shame that bands don't get a cent for the resale values of their CD's. Unfortunately though it is a necessary evil, since the price of new CD's are so high what are you supposed to do? I know alot of bands make a killing on the road through merchandising and ticket sales that they would hardly miss from used CD's and a few downloads. Another thing with hard to find CD's, buying used or downloading out of print CD's is an excellent concept since the bands that had put them out to begin with do not make money off them unless they reissue them like Anthrax did with Stomp 442 and SOWN. One perfect example would be trying to find Pantera: Power Metal. If you go to a used CD store and they happen to have it they could charge you an arm and a leg where as the artist doesn't get paid for it, you are paying the store. If you were to download it, you wouldn't be hurting anyone except that used music store which I could give flying fuck about anyways since they don't pay the artist. That is my philosophy.
Ok check it, the bottom line is money. Any real Anthrax fan will buy the record...
you know what I don't even want to talk about this anymore...

Charlie is a very cool person. But.. its bitching end of story, obivously he doesn't have that much faith in us Anthrax fans to go out and buy the record, and that sucks big time.
Well... I DO have burned copies of Anthrax CDs. But the thing is, I have the originals as well. I love my Anthrax Cds so much that I burn them to use when I go out or in my car, etc... To loose one or break one would depress me too much.

Im certaily going to buy the new album. With most of the bands I like a lot, downloading their music would not satisfy me.
I don't see it as bitching really, he is saying something that Lars didn't, that it is ok to download and listen before you buy, not just download the whole record, like it, listen to your burnt copy of the CD all the time and then not buy it. Lars didn't want any of his shit downloaded unless he gave permission to do so no matter what, Charles is giving permission to test drive the new Thrax' record and that takes alot of balls, because Anthrax could easily be taken advantage of here. I think Lars was really the bitch as far as downloading goes. Charlie sees both sides and says it is cool to try it out, just go buy the record if you like it and not steal it from them. I think that is fair.
Originally posted by De Profundis
Well... I DO have burned copies of Anthrax CDs. But the thing is, I have the originals as well. I love my Anthrax Cds so much that I burn them to use when I go out or in my car, etc... To loose one or break one would depress me too much.

Im certaily going to buy the new album. With most of the bands I like a lot, downloading their music would not satisfy me.

I think that is another fine and fair approach to it. CD's are an investment but they get damaged too easy. I see nothing wrong with burning back ups. I too, have done this.

Another thing to consider with only burning and not buying the new Thrax record, Mp3's are horrible quality and normally sound thin and underwater even if you download the highest bitrate file. Even OGG isn't perfect because the file is compressed, and compressed equals lower quality. Plus, you would be missing out on the CD booklet, linear notes and artwork! Also, you have to deal with incompatibility issues with some CD/DVD players not being able to play the burnt disc? It really doesn't pay in alot of ways not to buy the official original pressed disc.
I found a copy of Volume 8 in a hole in wall used CD store last night. When I saw it, I screamed "HOLY SHIT, I'VE HIT THE GOLDMINE!!!". The dude working there, who I swear was Ernest reincarnated....nearly crapped his pants I scared him so much.

I have been looking for Volume 8 for 2 years since my original ( that was bought the week it was released) was stolen along with about 40 other CD's.

I have been surviving on my burned copies of the Volume 8 songs for 2 years and now I have the original back in my hands. I betcha the CD I bought last night is really the one that some buzzard stole from me in the first place.

At any rate.......I would buy Volume 8 eight fuckin times over.