chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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La Rocque

I am that I am
May 22, 2004
an exit to eternal summer slacking
rahvin said:
having reached the dreaded length of about 3500 replies, this thread(post a randon fact about yourself) is going to be closed.

however, i don't think a new one with the same name is a good idea. if you take a look around you'll notice that all generic threads that do not deal with a specific subject quickly turn into random chatting. i understand that it's sometimes not pointless and a way for users to socialize in a relaxed environment, but it doesn't make much sense to have 4 or 5 such threads, and to give them titles that stray from the actual content.

this is why from now on all the chatting, personal comments, full reports on one's health (physical or mental) are to be kept to the place currently known as the "feelings" thread. i'll certainly be lenient when it comes to other random comments appearing elsewhere, in part because i can't expect everyone to read this message, and in part because it's only natural to go slightly off-topic in some cases.
still, i expect that, in time, everybody will conform to the new rule. once the feelings thread has reached critical mass, the new one shall also have a title more in tune with its content

Everything is beautiful :)
whoa I feel like I could kill someone. my best friend got fired today from his evil nazi-boss. he did a formation as package mechanic near nuremberg. and today he had a discussion with his boss which is unable to give him a good and qualified formation about these problems and after that he got kicked out.
germans here pls read this:
.. I cant believe this.

I hope my friend isnt doing something bad or stupid now.and so do I
That's really bad man :( But if he really is best of his class he's gonna find something else, no?
La Rocque- :worship:

So I'm not feeling as frustrated about losing all of my word documents now :) I think the weeding helped...
^:lol:, I was hoping he wouldn't see :D

She...She... what's wrong with me these days?
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