Check This out about 9/11

I only read uptil 9:03 and I am stunned too. I've read some of this before but not in such detail. I think at the very least it was allowed to happen.
Hey John, have you ever wondered why one of those jets was reported off course and out of contact some 40 minutes before it impacted the WTC? NORADS scramble time is around 15 minutes, and the flight path took it over several air force bases.........spooky.
There were alot of lapses and I think many of them could us off guard. I really feel that there were people on the inside who aided in this hijacking, such as airport personnal and god knows who else. I doubt very highly that the Govt knew anything about it.
I think it was in that link, but did it also say that some Isreali company close to TWC knew of the attack a few hours before? I think they received notice on the internet?
Nightwing said:
and the flight path took it over several air force bases.........spooky.
I didn't quite get that..

I thought all planes were offcourse and out of contact? :completelymuddled:
I think it's pretty obvious Bush knew nothing about it (I'd be surprised if he could tell me what day of the week it is to be honest) but Rumsfeld had something to do with it. Purposefully keeping Bush out of Washington and predicting strikes twice just moments before they happened? Plus the fact that he is a fucking cretinous mucusoid evildoer all lead me to believe that he was involved.

Nightwing, you lost me on the thing about the airforce bases - can you explain in a little more detail please? For the hard of understanding. o_O :lol:
dreamwatch said:
I think it's pretty obvious Bush knew nothing about it (I'd be surprised if he could tell me what day of the week it is to be honest) but Rumsfeld had something to do with it. Purposefully keeping Bush out of Washington and predicting strikes twice just moments before they happened? Plus the fact that he is a fucking cretinous mucusoid evildoer all lead me to believe that he was involved.

Nightwing, you lost me on the thing about the airforce bases - can you explain in a little more detail please? For the hard of understanding. o_O :lol:
Let's get real, the Government knew nothing and had nothing to do with it. If you want to blame the government for anything, blame them(Bush and Clinton and even further back than that) for not taking measures years before the attacks when the whole world knew that sooner or later, especially after the attack in '93, an attack would be launched on the USA. Considering that one of the planes were delayed on the runway in Newark, it could have been a hell of a lot worse.
duckattack said:
Why are you so sure the government had nothing to do with it? I'm not saying they did, but it would be nothing new if they had - think of the USS Maine and the Reichstag fire... and then read this:
Well ultimately you can blame the Govt because they are ultimately responsible for the security of the USA. No matter how well planned this attack was I'm sure that if we took it more seriously over the years previous to 9/11 that it MAY have been prevented. If that link is true that I provided than it is rather disturbing.
John Silver said:
I didn't quite get that..

I thought all planes were offcourse and out of contact? :completelymuddled:
Yes John you are correct, they were off course and out of contact, but still being tracked by radar.........normally, NORAD would scramble jets to intercept an aircraft after it has been reported off course and out of contact - normal response time is about 15 minutes apparently, as in golfer Payne Stewarts doomed flight in 1998, I think it was - in this instance, 40 minutes elapsed, with some 35 USAF bases within range of interception;

There is another excellent link that shows the flight path of the doomed aircraft superimposed over the location of several USAF bases.........I was reading it a couple of days ago, but it will take time to find it if you are interested........

More questions that should be asked loudly is why certain Pentagon officials and members of the administration were warned not to fly on Sept 10/11.......why the investigation has been hindered by Bush, despite the desperate attempts and pleadings of bereaved family members........why warnings from intelligence communities from as many as 11 separate countries were largely ignored.
Please take the time to read the following link;
Scroll down to 'The main problems with the official story' if you haven't the patience to read the whole thing.......
Nightwing said:
Yes John you are correct, they were off course and out of contact, but still being tracked by radar.........normally, NORAD would scramble jets to intercept an aircraft after it has been reported off course and out of contact - normal response time is about 15 minutes apparently, as in golfer Payne Stewarts doomed flight in 1998, I think it was - in this instance, 40 minutes elapsed, with some 35 USAF bases within range of interception;

There is another excellent link that shows the flight path of the doomed aircraft superimposed over the location of several USAF bases.........I was reading it a couple of days ago, but it will take time to find it if you are interested........

More questions that should be asked loudly is why certain Pentagon officials and members of the administration were warned not to fly on Sept 10/11.......why the investigation has been hindered by Bush, despite the desperate attempts and pleadings of bereaved family members........why warnings from intelligence communities from as many as 11 separate countries were largely ignored.
Please take the time to read the following link;
Scroll down to 'The main problems with the official story' if you haven't the patience to read the whole thing.......
Here;s the blame list for 9/11:
Bin Laden
Al Qaeda
Those 19 Muslim Hijackers
Saddam Hussein
what the hell Saddan Hussein has to do with 11/9??? NOTHING!! Al Qaeda would love to destroy Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein was a fascist style dictatorship while Al Qaeda wants a theocratic religious government in all arab countries. Saddam Hussein was an admirer of Stalin. Stain from USSR, the country the invaded Afeghanistan!!

You guys swallow Bush lies and dont think for yourselves. Hussein was not responsible for 11/9. The only thing Saddan did was evil to his own people and to Kwait. Now, lots of dictators do bad things to their own people, including dictatorships in south america that were supported by US. And are Iraqis better than before with Saddam?? How many are dying? I guess they are better, but they are in a very dangerous situation, and a islamic regime in the style of the dreadful Taliban may be installed there if things fail. That will be worse than Saddam.

Btw, terrorists only started appearing in Iraq after US invaded... what an irony.
Nightwing said:
Fuck, even Bush came out last week and admitted there was no evidence to link saddam and 9/11........Mr.Onslaught must have missed that.
Well Mr Nightwing I don't care what Bush says I still think that Hussein was involved in some way or another.
I think I'd rather hear some of your Dutch Oven stories than talk about politics.