Dude I'm a huge Passage fan. Cheers. :kickass:

It doesn't seem like they're too active though. They only have the one album and their only real presence on the web (at least I could find) is a lowly Myspace page.

For anyone who likes the Epic Doom Metal bands, I strongly recommend checking out their self titled disc.

If they were to try to increase their exposure, a fest like Powerfest would be an ideal stage. Plus Canada is practically the United States anyway! :) Sorry if I insulted any Canucks out there! :)
I'd hurl blocks of Velveeta at them and hope they drown in a sea of processed cheese...

You know what makes a good snack, get the Mild Mexican flavor of Velveeta brick cheese and melt it in a pot with Hormel Chili w/o Beans (It has to be Hormel - all other brands make it taste different). You could do it with beans if you want, but I prefer it without. Then stir it all together and eat it with tortilla chips!

:lol::lol::lol: @ Harley

I have my thoughts about bands from the respective countries, but I'm not trying to dwell on it because I'll just make myself crazy trying to predict. What comes, comes. I have faith in the fest and expect good things. I will say that I highly doubt it's Manowar or Morgana Lefay. Reasons should be obvious. If I'm wrong I will accept it and eat my metal sandwich.
Edguy - I think these guys are the most fun power metal band out there. I bet their shows are a blast. I loved seeing Nocturnal Rites a couple years back, and we need another power metal headliner!

+1 :rock:
(Although I think this is a little unrealistic).

Nightingale (or any Dan Swano project) - I know they came to Atlanta for one of the Prog Powers, maybe they'd come back. I love every Nightingale album...even their Abba covers! :)

I missed PP the year Nightingale played.
FAIL on my part.
I actually love ABBA...some of the best vocal harmonies since the Beach Boys. And hearing a Metal version is that much sweeter.
Check out Black Sweden....they do Metal covers of ABBA with classic Metal songs incorporated into them. It's hard to explain, but it's pretty badass...and comical.