Chicago Primadonna fest anyone??

Chris Lotesto

Uncle Fester
Aug 6, 2004
So, let's see, people didn't show up last year because the venue was
lousy (ed note: bullshit), the area was lousy (ed note: bullshit again....try
the Aragon Ballroom, Congress Theater or Oak Theater areas to which
metalheads en-force invaded back when they were REALLY rough (me
included) and still do even though they aren't that great and certainly worse
than the area of the show last year), the hotels were too far from the
venue.....this year, the kitchen was closed, we can't go in/out, there are no
seats, the lineup was too heavy on Saturday, there was no true power metal
headliner Friday, they'll take our markers and pens, they don't have Heinekin......

Ok, how about this: lush, cushioned seating surrounding a 10 course,
high-end buffet, top shelf liquor and beer all night long, virtual
choose the bands you want to see, choose the set list and BOOM, there they
are, right in front of you and almost real.....there is also a masseuse assigned
to each table for whatever you desire, volume and intensity are individually
adjusted, along with lighting, pyro and whatever else you'd want in a
show.....would you come then??

The Powerfest motto:
STOP BEING A CUNT and FAH-Q!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, I've never in my life heard so many lame ass excuses for people not
going to see a band they've either been dying to see or have been wanting to
see in some form, or even a show they think might be remotely kick ass. I
guess it's just a sign of the times but any of you that remember how shitty
the Thirsty Whale was and all the great bands that came through there
should take a step back to re-think things. How about Smiler Coogan's or
even local fucking VFW or Knights of Columbus halls. If you had a
once-in-a-lifetime chance to see your favorite band or a band that
you've always wanted to see, wouldn't you go see them in a fucking garage
just to experience them??

I'm really beside myself and flabbergasted......this is really turning into a
fucking joke!
I'm too young (and I live too far from Chicago) to know about most of those venues you named , but I would be kicking my own ass if I had missed Powerfest this year. And my only regret is not having known about this in years past so that I could have gone then, too. But I agree... People need to put their money where their mouth is.
I'm too young (and I live too far from Chicago) to know about most of those venues you named , but I would be kicking my own ass if I had missed Powerfest this year. And my only regret is not having known about this in years past so that I could have gone then, too. But I agree... People need to put their money where their mouth is.

I figured I'd be alienating you youngin's with the venues i mentioned and i
couldn't think of any now but you get the point. Imagine that your fav. band
was coming through for the first time at a school auditorium or something...not
ideal but who the hell cares, right!?!?! That's the point I'm making....
I figured I'd be alienating you youngin's with the venues i mentioned and i
couldn't think of any now but you get the point. Imagine that your fav. band
was coming through for the first time at a school auditorium or something...not
ideal but who the hell cares, right!?!?! That's the point I'm making....

Indeed. The only factor for me is the drive, as from home its a 5 to 6 hour trip EACH way. But it is totally worth it in every way. And I didn't even know 8 of the 10 bands playing this weekend (just Novembers Doom and Solitude Aeturnus) before I went!

But I intend to go to every one from here on out, as my experience when going to this one completely sold me on how great of a festival Powerfest is.
:lol: :lol: :lol: AMEN BROTHER!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You know what it's age. We've met most of these people at one time or another over the years, and that's what all the people who bitch have in common...they're all "older". :lol: :lol:

We've met a lot more younger people this year than in the best...many of who hang out here...and those people rarely, if ever, complain. And for that, we thank you!!!:kickass: You are the future of our metal community, and at least we see hope in you. I know that sounded cheesy, but it's true. ;)

Maybe the numbers weren't as large as we had hoped this year, but we definitely had a ton more younger fans this year than last year, and we consider that a huge success!! :kickass:

And now with our sponsorship gameplan for 2008, there better not be any more least not about the lineup in terms of's mostly in your hands now. :p

Although, if this was indeed the final Powerfest least we'll truly see what sort of metal "community" we have here....2008 will be the test! ;)
I don't think I would be listening to this kind of music if it wasn't for the Thirsty Whale, or Smiler Coogan's, hell, I remember going to Gordon Tech High School to see the Battle of the Bands on a Saturday night!! It doesn't matter where, as long as it's GOOD!!!:headbang:
Indeed. The only factor for me is the drive, as from home its a 5 to 6 hour trip EACH way. But it is totally worth it in every way. And I didn't even know 8 of the 10 bands playing this weekend (just Novembers Doom and Solitude Aeturnus) before I went!

But I intend to go to every one from here on out, as my experience when going to this one completely sold me on how great of a festival Powerfest is.

But a long drive is completely understandable...what pisses us off is the fact that all these ppl who bitch the most actually live within an hour of the venue. :Smug: :puke:
The Pearl Room is actually an ideal venue for me, distance-wise, since I live in Plainfield. It's only about a 30 minute drive. I hate driving to Chicago for shows, especially on Friday and Saturday nights. Not saying that I wouldn't for Powerfest :kickass:

You guys hosted a festival featuring one of Atheist's last performances. I don't care if you get Hanson playing next year, you'll see me in the crowd. No complaints.
I dont care what venue as long as the sound is good and a safe area to park. I have seen basement shows that were great, bowling alley shows and a show on the backstage and upstairs hallway of the Riveria. I just want to see a great show with bands I like and good sound. Plus I like to complain.
Maybe it's because most of the stuff people were complaining about it's illegal for me to do anyway, but I actually liked the Pearl Room a lot.
Yeah, the Pearl Room is a really nice venue actually.
(aside from the fact that BOTH times now I have gone there I have gotten lost on the way!! :lol:)
The location of a venue does not bother me personally.
If I want to go to the show, I will make the drive.
I understand your frustration, Chris, but could you point out some of the apparently many posts from people who really wanted to see some of the bands, but they did not attend due to other considerations? From what I've read, most of the people who did not attend did not care for the lineup itself.

I hope your sponsorship plan will save the fest. It might not increase the attendance, but it will hopefully allow you, Rob, and John to stop taking it up the ass financially. I wish you the best of luck.
bah, don't let it get to you. I think the impression you can get from reading this forum is a lot worse than the reality, as far as the population of whiny bitches goes. From my perspective, it's mostly just Diabolik and Jasonic, who apparently aspire to be the two old cranky dudes from The Muppets (except without the funny!) They decided to camp out and make this forum their "home", which means they post way more than necessary, and to fill up those posts, they have to mention every little niggling thing that could potentially bother anyone. So it's easy to get the impression that the whining is a lot more widespread than it actually is.

I think Rob is totally right about the age thing too. A lot of us old folks like to *think* that we still really care about going to shows, but in reality, we don't care that much, so it's very easy to find something to blame our lack of attendance on.

Of course, that still doesn't answer the "why didn't more people show up?" question, but I don't think this forum is really the best place to look for that answer. Because the vast majority of "missing" people wouldn't have even been aware of the (non-)issues that were beaten to death in this forum.

I'm don't slobber people with praise too often, but I think you guys do/did an excellent job, to the point where it just doesn't seem fair that more people didn't turn up. It actually pisses me off a little bit! It's hard to imagine anything more you could have done to get more people, which, on the one hand, is kind of depressing, but on the other, means it wasn't "your fault". So the investor/broker model sounds like a great idea, as you guys seem to have the broker model down. Unfortunately I'm a bit doubtful about potential investors putting their money where their mouths are, because again, maybe people really just don't care as much as they'd like to think that they do.

Seriously, I've never in my life heard so many lame ass excuses for people not
going to see a band they've either been dying to see or have been wanting to
see in some form, or even a show they think might be remotely kick ass. I
guess it's just a sign of the times but any of you that remember how shitty
the Thirsty Whale was and all the great bands that came through there
should take a step back to re-think things. How about Smiler Coogan's or
even local fucking VFW or Knights of Columbus halls. If you had a
once-in-a-lifetime chance to see your favorite band or a band that
you've always wanted to see, wouldn't you go see them in a fucking garage
just to experience them??

Hell yes! I was actually glad we only had to drive to Chicago and not further to see Atheist. :lol: I came in 2005 to see Maiden, last weekend for Powerfest, and I'll be back later this year to see Edguy, Susperia and Twelfth Gate. :kickass:

To those who bitched...imagine what it's like to have to drive out of town every time a good show comes through. guys seem to get the really good tours that never come within 200 miles of us. I can't imagine skipping Powerfest if I lived in the area due to travel.
bah, don't let it get to you. I think the impression you can get from reading this forum is a lot worse than the reality, as far as the population of whiny bitches goes. From my perspective, it's mostly just Diabolik and Jasonic, who apparently aspire to be the two old cranky dudes from The Muppets (except without the funny!) They decided to camp out and make this forum their "home", which means they post way more than necessary, and to fill up those posts, they have to mention every little niggling thing that could potentially bother anyone. So it's easy to get the impression that the whining is a lot more widespread than it actually is.

I think Rob is totally right about the age thing too. A lot of us old folks like to *think* that we still really care about going to shows, but in reality, we don't care that much, so it's very easy to find something to blame our lack of attendance on.

Of course, that still doesn't answer the "why didn't more people show up?" question, but I don't think this forum is really the best place to look for that answer. Because the vast majority of "missing" people wouldn't have even been aware of the (non-)issues that were beaten to death in this forum.

I'm don't slobber people with praise too often, but I think you guys do/did an excellent job, to the point where it just doesn't seem fair that more people didn't turn up. It actually pisses me off a little bit! It's hard to imagine anything more you could have done to get more people, which, on the one hand, is kind of depressing, but on the other, means it wasn't "your fault". So the investor/broker model sounds like a great idea, as you guys seem to have the broker model down. Unfortunately I'm a bit doubtful about potential investors putting their money where their mouths are, because again, maybe people really just don't care as much as they'd like to think that they do.


Great post!! Thanks Neil...much appreciated!!

You are so right...I guess we just let it get to us since this is the closest medium for us to get feedback, etc. Simply jusging by the crowds' feedback both nights, it really did look like everyone was very pleased.

And as far as the turnout...well, Chicago is a tough nut to crack unless it's a Billboard least the good sign is that there were a lot more young fans there this year than ever.

We're not giving up...we just hope we get enough support to keep this thing alive. I, personally, have faith. But then again, I'm Catholic...I've got to have faith. :lol: :p
Great post!! Thanks Neil...much appreciated!!

Yes, I agree and thanks very much, we certainly appreciate yours and
everyone else's kind words!!
You are so right...I guess we just let it get to us since this is the closest medium for us to get feedback, etc. Simply jusging by the crowds' feedback both nights, it really did look like everyone was very pleased.

Sure, we do know it's only a small number that complain and/or bitch about
the silliest stuff but I do recall various comments on other boards about
some of these things so I'm sure there are a fair amount of other people out
And as far as the turnout...well, Chicago is a tough nut to crack unless it's a Billboard least the good sign is that there were a lot more young fans there this year than ever.

YES....1000000000% YES! haha Therein lies much of the think you've covered so many bases or even enough just to get 500 people
through the door and come up way short. It makes no sense at all....the
frustrating thing is that it's quite possible that the event could be this weekend and 1000 people show up, you just never know in this city. In fact,
when Mark from Metal Haven heard we added Atheist, he was beside himself
and thought for sure that at least Sat. would be HUGE. Guess you just never
We're not giving up...we just hope we get enough support to keep this thing alive. I, personally, have faith. But then again, I'm Catholic...I've got to have faith. :lol: :p

I have faith and while I'm Catholic myself, my faith lies more in the Church
of METAL! haha :headbang:
I understand your frustration, Chris, but could you point out some of the apparently many posts from people who really wanted to see some of the bands, but they did not attend due to other considerations? From what I've read, most of the people who did not attend did not care for the lineup itself.

John, I can't really single them out as it's been over a 6 or so month period
of time. They've been on various boards and maybe "side" commentary at
times or even "he said/she said" in private but I'm sure it's not a HUGE amount
of people but significant enough. Even if it's just the "man, it's too far"
type of thing, it's still frustrating and deserves to be called out.
I hope your sponsorship plan will save the fest. It might not increase the attendance, but it will hopefully allow you, Rob, and John to stop taking it up the ass financially. I wish you the best of luck.

I hope it does too and it will be a combination of that along with the line-up
we put together that will hopefully increase the attendance. We firmly
believe that there is something great here and really don't want to give up on
it unless we have no other choice.
To those who bitched...imagine what it's like to have to drive out of town every time a good show comes through. guys seem to get the really good tours that never come within 200 miles of us. I can't imagine skipping Powerfest if I lived in the area due to travel.

Now imagine flying out to the shows you want to see... :D

I have easily spent 2000 on Plane Tickets in the last year or so for shows.