Chicago was perfect.

Tumn said:
That is all.

Thank you Opeth for putting on one of the best sounding and performed shows ever.

Couldn't agree more! Great show, and I had great seats also. I took my 12-year old son (his first concert) and he was amazed! My only complaint was the four idiots behind me that kept yelling "Show us some t1ts!!":err: through the last half of the show. Ruined a perfect night. Who yells this to a band of guys at a metal show!?? I had just told my son that usually metal fans are decent people, I expect these kind of idiots at a White Sox game, not an Opeth show.

Anyways - great show Opeth...and I'm going with my wife to see them in Milwaukee tonight (I wanted to see Devy and DT also!)...
Wow! Ive never been to a concert, with seats. I prefer standing up. Would be pretty hard to headbang otherwise, wouldnt it? :erk:
dolphz said:
Couldn't agree more! Great show, and I had great seats also. I took my 12-year old son (his first concert) and he was amazed! My only complaint was the four idiots behind me that kept yelling "Show us some t1ts!!":err: through the last half of the show. Ruined a perfect night. Who yells this to a band of guys at a metal show!?? I had just told my son that usually metal fans are decent people, I expect these kind of idiots at a White Sox game, not an Opeth show.

Anyways - great show Opeth...and I'm going with my wife to see them in Milwaukee tonight (I wanted to see Devy and DT also!)...

Hey! I saw you guys there! It was very cool to take your son there, definitely looked like he was enjoying "Demon of the Fall!" :headbang:

I was right next to those guys.....I think they had just a little too much to drink. I blame the waitresses walking around taking drink orders...:)

How long did you wait in line to get seats?
Best...Show...Ever! I've seen Opeth a few times and this BY FAR was the greatest performance I've seen from them or anyone else for that matter.
Detric said:
Wow! Ive never been to a concert, with seats. I prefer standing up. Would be pretty hard to headbang otherwise, wouldnt it? :erk:

It was very weird that there were seats. It is not something that is usual and I did not like it since it meant that less people could get up close and there was no way to headbang or mosh. Kindof silly if you ask me.

Anywho, Opeth sounded great! Right after Under the Weeping Moon Mikael was so funny, especially when he told that one guy to shut up :)

I was behind the sound board (so in the middle right above the pit) almost right by the railing (there were 2 larger guys in front of me that weren't budging) but there was a gap between them so I was able to see everything in perfect view. Anyone else in that general area?
deltarider99 said:
Hey! I saw you guys there! It was very cool to take your son there, definitely looked like he was enjoying "Demon of the Fall!" :headbang:

I was right next to those guys.....I think they had just a little too much to drink. I blame the waitresses walking around taking drink orders...:)

How long did you wait in line to get seats?

We did the "Pas the Line" thing. If you eat dinner there, two entrees, you get to go right in when the doors open. I wouldn't do that for myself, but I wanted to make sure my son got to be somewhere where he could see. By the way, yes he was VERY excited when they played Demon. He's a drummer also, so he dug the drum solo too! So you were on the right side?
What was the highlight for you? Aside from seeing my son headbang to Opeth, I would have to say White Cluster!
I won't be attending any shows but March 11th in Eugene, as i live in Eugene. I am hoping that they try out some material that they will play at the Chronology show on us, like Black Rose Immortal or anything else they want to try out. But if they play White Cluster like i hear they have been, i will die a happy man!
what's with people not posting setlists when discussing shows?
Is this the correct setlist?

01. Under The Weeping Moon
02. The Night And The Silent Water
03. The Amen Corner
04. White Cluster
05. The Leper Affinity
06. A Fair Judgement
07. Deliverance
08. Windowpane
09. Closure
10. Ghost Of Perdition
11. The Baying Of The Hounds
12. The Grand Conjuration
13. Demon Of The Fall

Or is this amazing setlist, only played in NY?
That's the setlist, it was the same as New York. It would have been great if they did different sets, but it was still fucking amazing none the less.
Shit, you guys are fucking lucky. I hope they will play that setlist on Wacken as well, but I dont think the chances are that high.
Wow, I was really close to you guys.

I was on the right, smashed right up against the back railing in front of the people eating. I was next to the tall dude with long red hair, if that helps anybody.

It was an incredible show. Simply reading the setlist did not do the show justice. It had to be experienced.

The only bad thing was the House of Lies not having near enough seating available, which led to 80% of the crowd being smashed together in a very tight space.
"What do you mean there's seats?"
"Can you read?"
"Uh, yeah..."
"Well, look at your fucking ticket."
"See where it says Limited Seating?"
"Yeah, so?"
"If you wanted a SEAT that badly you should have had your mommmy drop you off a few hours earlier."

I swear, half of the whining little girls behind me spent most of the show either screaming for songs that weren't going to get played (Thankfully Akerfeldt put an early end to the shitheads screaming for Black Rose Immortal.) or complaining that they didn't get a seat and had to stand. Nut up, you candy-ass bitches. My money says that in your concert-attending careers you will willingly stand longer for less.

After I cleared security and had my ticket scanned I checked the floor...seats gone. Fine, I expected that to be the case... so my friend and I camped out behind the sound board. Ended up being a great place, and probably one of the better spots in the house in terms of the way things sounded. Very clean, very clear mix. The downside... well, let's just say that some people in the vicinity of where I was could use a lengthy lesson in hygene. Someone within smelling distance reeked like they'd not bathed in weeks, and to compound things someone was regularly dropping ass throughout the night. Bottle that shit up and save it for later...or at least have the decency to save it for the bathroom.

Excellent show somewhat marred by a few handfuls of not-so-intelligent people.
Chicago show fucking rocked! I agree with earlier posts- lots of nasty ass dropping and completely useless/random comments from the crowd. Mikael was hilarious! I can't believe how much he bantered back and forth with us. It was basically open discussion with him at times. I also agree that the seats on the floor sucked. I saw quite a few people just sitting down there the whole time, while I was heading banging my ass off way behind them- would have loved a more crowded/active floor for the real fans to go nuts on. But as far as the band went, they were dead on and fucking blew us away, Great job guys- come back real soon.

Anybody know where to get recordings of any of these shows? Specifically the Chicago show?? Please post up if you do.