Children of bodom anyone?


\m/ (*_-) \m/
Jul 29, 2001
i've download couple of their songs, and they are pretty good!

what do you think about them?
I absolutely love them. Amazing blend of Black and Power metal. I think there is some amazing talent within that band, they really know what they are doing. Also they have realy good musical intelligence, a lot of the solos on their albums are actually improvised based on the chord changes, really cool. That isnt too hard to do, but with their music yes.
Originally posted by Itay
what do you think about them?

Undeniably great musicians, but I just can't find any real enjoyment in listening to their music. Laiho's vocals are horrible, that's what irritates me the most. The other thing that I don't like is how little variation they have in their music. It all sounds the same! I have Hatebreeder and Something Wild, but I do not plan to buy any more of their albums.

One day I was pretty drunk, and it occurred to me...doesn't Children of Bodom kinda sound like Nightwish on crack? :grin:
I really like CoB. Their best release is the live cd. Its one of the best live album ive ever heard.
I like the singers voice, the guitarists are very talented and they are from finland. What do u need more??? Oh yeah they have long hair too :loco:
And yes the music is power metalish alot, but it still kiks ass.
I find them much too boring. I too own Hatebreeder and SW, and they were both great for the first five or six listens, then the magic just wore off. I find it really doesn't have much replay value.