Children of Bodom: Are You Dead Yet?

AsModEe said:
Hatebreeder > everything else they have done. The production is good, but they still kept a raw sound that made me think of the 90s. Also, all songs are great. No fillers
perfect. hatebreeder = the only CoB worth the money. that is in my humble opinion.
I'll start by saying i'm an absolutly huge Bodom fan.

"Are You Dead Yet?" is a good album compaired to the shit that has been coming out lately. What I personally enjoy about the album is that somehow it holds on to my interest longer than "Follow The Reaper" and even "Something Wild". Overall I think "AYDY" has it's moments.

Chilren of Bodom rocks, period.
I liked this album. Just because a band sounds different you guys hate the band right? I see how it is now. Open up your brain and use it for once. This is some awesome melodic metal right here. I give this album a 7/10
Blue_Jay said:
I liked this album. Just because a band sounds different you guys hate the band right? I see how it is now. Open up your brain and use it for once. This is some awesome melodic metal right here. I give this album a 7/10

You obviously have no idea why people dislike this album. It sounds too close to metalcore and metalcore isn't too liked by a lot of metalheads. It is MUCH MORE simple song structures then past albums and MUCH MORE accessible to Much Music and MTV.

The thing is that metal fans don't want an accessible band that everyone knows about. They want complex music which is challenging to listen to and very rewarding in the end. Not party till you puke music like the new album is all about.
The vocalist does not sound like someone who sings like metalcore. God... I can't believe you don't like this CD. Like one of the reviewers said way up there somewhere, this album holds my attention much longer than all of their albums except Hatebreeder.
COB have always been one of my favourite bands, but AYDY sucked, Bloodrunk is a step in the right direction, but ultimately boring. I don't agree with the "They're becoming metalcore" comments floating around. They're definately selling out, but you don't need to be metalcore or nu-metal to do so. All they are doing is simplifying their sound which alienates a fair chunk of fans who are in to the more technical aspect of the music.
One thing that annoys me also is people who seem to imply that if a band sells out, then listening to their earlier stuff is near enough blasphemy because of the aforementioned selling-out and the priciples of it from a metalhead's point of view. All this elitist stuff seems pointless to me. My favourite bands are Spiral Architect and Spastic Ink. I love Behold...The Arctopus, Spawn of Possession, Nile, Necrophagist, Andromeda... But I still like COB.
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