Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Hello bodombeachterror666,

Your video Children Of Bodom - Kissing The Shadows possibly contains content which owner or licenser is UMG (probably universal music).

You don't have to take any actions. But if you're interested in what way this could have an effect on your video you can find informations in your video-ID section of your account.

I hope this is the correct translation...

SO when I click on this video-ID button their is a message from YouTube which says: Your video bla bla contains content which owner or licensor is UMG (so without the possibly). Wait for possibilities you can do.
So I think I have to delete it otherwise they will delete my account.
Maybe playing is too good in this video :lol:

soooo ein gutes cover von KtS!!! Echt zu schade, wenn du es löschen müsstest:mad:
haben sie zu deinen anderen Videos auch was geschrieben?
Ne, das war das einzige Cover. Aber ich werd erstmal abwarten was passiert. Ich hoffe ja die geben mir wenigstens die Chance es freiwillig rauszunehmen bevor sein es löschen oder gar meinen Account...
lol wtf?!? can't they read that this is a COVER?!?

Hallo bodombeachterror666,

Dein Video Children Of Bodom - Everytime I Die (new cover) beinhaltet unter Umständen Content, dessen Eigentümer oder Lizenzgeber UMG ist.

Du musst keine Maßnahmen ergreifen. Wenn dich jedoch interessiert, inwiefern sich dies auf dein Video auswirkt, findest du entsprechende Informationen im Abschnitt zu Video-ID-Treffern deines Kontos.

Das YouTube-Team

but when I click on Video-ID of this video it also says:

Content-owner: UMG Type: audio-content
Awesome job Arcane!

Wonderful cover (again) Arcane!
Wtf happend that you broke your ribs:O?


It's a joke. Because all the kids who do shitty jobs on covers always seem to have an excuse like "I broke my hands yesterday" or "I just got out of the hospital".
I dunno, he said it to me too elsewhere, so maybe he actually did it. My opinion is he's trying too hard for the "Imitate Alexi Laiho" competiton. :p

But seriously, great job on the cover!! I know I can't play that song! :lol:
Oh, well then I feel bad if it's true. That would suck.

I'm really frustrated with the tones I'm getting out of my POD. I'm not looking for a tone that has to sound like Bodom's, but just one that doesn't suck so bad. It always sounds way too muddy, to me.
Thx guys! DWEDFN is definitely the most difficult Bodom song I have played.
Jose, I used the Drums and Bass from GH :)
I won't use the additional instrument track because I don't want to have Alexis voice and the other rythm guitar parts in this cover so I've made the keys with FL. The only thing I've also used from GH was this cool keyboard part before the uhm... 3rd? 4th? solo starts...
Hello bodombeachterror666,

Your video Children Of Bodom - Kissing The Shadows possibly contains content which owner or licenser is UMG (probably universal music).

You don't have to take any actions. But if you're interested in what way this could have an effect on your video you can find informations in your video-ID section of your account.

I hope this is the correct translation...

SO when I click on this video-ID button their is a message from YouTube which says: Your video bla bla contains content which owner or licensor is UMG (so without the possibly). Wait for possibilities you can do.
So I think I have to delete it otherwise they will delete my account.
Maybe playing is too good in this video :lol:

hey man the exact same thing happened to me on a kalmah song i posted but they did nothing to the video or my account but put ads up for the song i used in the video. so your safe to keep it up. or at least should be cuz i got the same message