Hello MetalAges.
Since a moderator is here I finally have the opportunity to tell you more about what I did (when you're banned you can't write even to the man who took the decision..).
I kind of understand your role in here as well as the band's/label's wishes. But here is a few things which I think can explain my action:
1- Most important of all. I have this album. I bought it as so many people on this forum. And I am one of those people who normally don't buy before they listened to an album (CoB is my only exception, I have every single on of their releases on Dvd). So as I said, the album was bought.
2- Yeah sure, the ban's and label's wishes.. Since downloading exists there has been less and less album bought that's true. But that's it. It exists, and I honestly think they should start looking at the reality for they can't change anything about it. Maybe the bands would be happier if the label wasn't taking such a HUGE share on every thing the band's selling. But that's another problem. But as I said, the album was out there no the internet. It was my mistake of posting it here I'll admit it, I shouldn't have. But be it me or someone else, the harm was done, and there was no stopping and the band knows that, the label knows that and you probably too know it. It was just a matter of time before it spreads to Youtube and other online services. So did my links really had any consequencies for the benefits of the band or label ? I honestly doubt so.
I'm not expecting any kind of forgiveness or special treatments for I know I've done something wrong. And if you have to ban me again, fine. But seriously ? Banning a simple fan, proud owner of all the band's records, proud spectator of all the band's gigs in his country, etc. Would it really change something ? Won't anyone else do this after it ?
Sorry if I caused you trouble going through the messages and such. But I have no regret what so ever toward the band as what I did was simply sharing the music I love with other music lovers.
Have a nice day sir.
Ps: Good bye everyone in case I'm banned again -_-