Children of Bodom "RIP OFFS"


I Wanna Rock!
Sep 14, 2003
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Well this is to all you people who call bands like Norther and Kalmah, CoB "rip offs" wow I can't believe only one band with good Guitarists, and kickass keyborders can play melodic metal. WTF even if you like those bands they are not rip offs sure they play melodic, and have kickass keyboard parts but the styles are different so what is the problem? Just SHUT THE FUCK UP about it all!!!
so what if he ripps? everyone ripps somebody off, you, me and that guy over there... Theres no reason to try to blame someone for playing same notes in different order, its his choice, I dont believe that Alexi or any other guitarist took someones other lick and stick it to his song....... And even if Kalmah wanted to sound like Cob, which means they were insired by Cob music and melody, it does not mean at all that they simply ripped off....

IMO Cob is one of a kind :cool:
Yeah Bodom is just a culmination of the more instrumentally extreme parts of metal, thus having made this 'technical metal' genre, so to speak. Nobody is that original anymore... even the band seemingly hailed by everyone for being so great and original, Opeth, are only the result of Mikael's idols being various Prog Rock bands from the 70s and more extreme death metal bands like Morbid Angel and such.

But since you've made a thread like this one on the Kalmah forums... I take it you're decidedly neutral on the matter and just hope every fan of every melodic death band can just learn to accept the other bands without harsh comparisons and whatnot.
Bodom is NOT that unique, compared to some bands... like, say, Meshuggah. However, imo, Meshuggah suck ass. Uniqueness isn't always a good thing. CoB has made a unqiue combination of ideas that isn't easily duplicated but very easy to get into. It's catchy and heavy, and it flows seemlessly together.

I disagree with ppl who say Bodom and Norther and Kalmah are so much alike blah blah blah... they are three completely different bands, and like the dude said, just cause you've got a growler, skilled guitar and keyboard players who like to solo, and they have similar musical inspirations, does not mean they are rip offs. Plus, I've never seen a band use so many of other bands' riffs and melodies as CoB... so if anyone complained it'd be a double-standard, since I've never heard anything in Norther or Kalmah taken from other bands, and never heard anyone bring up anything like that about them (although I haven't heard all their shit so I can't be sure).

Aren't Norther and CoB are from the same town? And some of them were friends or something? Maybe I'm wrong. I thought I read something like that in an interview.
Stun said:
Bodom is NOT that unique, compared to some bands... like, say, Meshuggah. However, imo, Meshuggah suck ass. Uniqueness isn't always a good thing. CoB has made a unqiue combination of ideas that isn't easily duplicated but very easy to get into. It's catchy and heavy, and it flows seemlessly together.

you suck ass
Cob only rips off Zakk in Hatecrew album other than that their other albums werent rip offs of anything. You have to admit that Alexi's soloing has gone down with the recent album.