Children of Bodom "RIP OFFS"

rhoads said:
Cob only rips off Zakk in Hatecrew album other than that their other albums werent rip offs of anything. You have to admit that Alexi's soloing has gone down with the recent album.

uhhhmm...yeah..thats a crock of shit if i ever heard it.
of course i'm going to get flamed for posting that comment but the solos on Hatecrew are definetly not as good as the suff on follow the reaper and hatebreeder!
I agree, Alexi's soloing isnt as good as it use to be, and whats with that techno garbage on Needled 24/7.
I personally think all bands Influences show in their music I mean u can hear traces of malsteen maiden old 80glam sounds and stuff in COB's music but that doesnt mean they ripped it of..... its just a question of sounding influenced and sounding like your influence....

btw someone heard my bands song and asked if I was COB influenced.

maybe some COB fans can tell me if it sounds anything like bodom at all cause i sure as hell dont think so

the song is called Frozen Portrait.
Once again, just because YOU think Alexi's soloing abilities have decreased, doesn't mean they have. It's your opinion.

Oh, funny how "in_flames36" complains about "techno garbage"... if I was a complainer, I'd hear a lot more to complain about in In Flames's music (do you like Jester Script Trasnfrigured? TECHNO LOVER! :b ). Once again, opinions... :Spin:
Alexis soloing is the best ever! all cd's, all songs! He owns us all!!! He ,for a lack of a better word is GOD. :headbang:

and dont ever......ever put inflames in the same grouping as CoB!!!!!!
§tygian Apothegm said:
ummmm why dont you look at the two before you unleash ignorance upon me again?

Uhhh I dont think he's being the ignorant one here, Kirk Hammet's solo's are mindless dribble, Alexi's actually have melody and phrasing. If you want to listen to guitarists that Alexi shares some similarity to, Id check out Randy Rhodes, Paul Gilbert, Yngwie Malmsteen, (on the older albums mostly), Zakk Wylde.
Okay, there's no getting through to that guy, he's thick headed, so, I'll speak in retard; SUCK MY COCK YOU FAGGOT, SUCK IT SUCK IT SUCK IT SUCK IT.
Yes, Alexi's solos are like Kirk's old solos, but not THAT much. More like Dave Mustaine's, but with much more melody and, I don't know the word, purpose maybe?

But his old soloing doesn't sound like Randy Rhoads's at all (imo at least). Yngwie is a much more valid person to refer to, probably. Alexi really loved that almost classical style on the older albums. And just because Alexi loves Randy, Zakk, etc's styles doesn't mean he solos like them, you know, cause he doesn't (most of the time).

Here's where opinions stop: Alexi's solos on HCD are the most technical he's ever done. Ask him yourself if you don't believe me. So are Janne's. And yes, he's always had solos similar to Slayer's, once in a while. But to say that his soloing on HCD is like Slayer's, overall, is pretty stupid man. In fact on that album I don't see much Slayer soloing at all. I actually just listened to the whole thing and none of them reminded me of Slayers' style except for maybe the end of the title track's solo. Now if you had said the RIFFS are more like Slayer, you'd be right (on a couple songs). The fact remains that CoB are a combination of many different styles, including punk (by far the most underrated influence), and they don't sound like any one band.

To the IF dude: I specifically named one of their earlier songs, the Jester Script Transfigured. So if you like it, you must like "techno garbage", right? Or maybe you don't like it. But you almost definitely have a double-standard. In any event, ignorance prevails! :wave: