CHILDREN OF BODOM To Release Collection Of Covers

Why is it gay? It's a cover album and most of their covers have been kinda ''jokes'', so I don't expect a ''serious'' or ''true'' kind of name. In fact, I'd like a funny name. Although if it's posted by Blabbermouth I'd not really count on it beeing true. They haven't even done the covers list right.

from Spinefarm on twitter, April 17th (so pretty reliable, I guess):

"Children of Bodom will release a cover compilation this September – the title has now been confirmed to be “Skeletons in the Closet”
It's a cover album and most of their covers have been kinda ''jokes''

Not really, only the later covers have been jokes (not all of them either). Suppose what you say has some meaning though. I just hope thats not the track list. I want WAR INSIDE MY HEAD and I want it NOW!
^Well, Aces High, Silent Scream and Mass Hypnosis were recorded because Spinefarm made them for compilations, but when they have chosen the covers they have covered Stone (legend in Finland, pretty logic) and then The Ramones, Britney Spears, Credence Clearwater Revival, Stan Jones, ... If they're the ones who choose the covers they always pick funny ones. About the tracklist, don't worry, no matter which of them has been asked they've always said that if they release a cover album they'll throw some new and unheard covers, not only a compilation of already heard ones.

@sleeper: Already read it SOB, double thanks! :)
^Well, Aces High, Silent Scream and Mass Hypnosis were recorded because Spinefarm made them for compilations, but when they have chosen the covers they have covered Stone (legend in Finland, pretty logic) and then The Ramones, Britney Spears, Credence Clearwater Revival, Stan Jones, ...

What a coincidence that all the Bodom covers I'm not overly fond of are the ones the label forced upon em and not the ones they themselves chose..
Hope they put some unreleased stuff on this album or I'm probs not gonna bother with it. Actually that's a lie,I'll likely buy it anyway..still it does make the label look a bit money-hungry, just shoving material everyone has heard before onto one CD and expecting me to part with my well earned money for it..
everyone is money hungry. if i was in cob i woud release the cd even with iron,steel and metal on it:P
And of course with The Trooper and The Final Countdown :lol:

What a coincidence that all the Bodom covers I'm not overly fond of are the ones the label forced upon em and not the ones they themselves chose..
Hope they put some unreleased stuff on this album or I'm probs not gonna bother with it. Actually that's a lie,I'll likely buy it anyway..still it does make the label look a bit money-hungry, just shoving material everyone has heard before onto one CD and expecting me to part with my well earned money for it..

Well, dunno what will the label do, but Alexi and Henkka both have said that if they did the cover album they'd throw in some new covers, not only already released stuff, so I guess we'll get something new. At least the ST cover I hope. About the covers ''forced by the label'' I love Silent Scream though. Much better than Slayer's to me.
And of course with The Trooper and The Final Countdown :lol:

Well, dunno what will the label do, but Alexi and Henkka both have said that if they did the cover album they'd throw in some new covers, not only already released stuff, so I guess we'll get something new. At least the ST cover I hope. About the covers ''forced by the label'' I love Silent Scream though. Much better than Slayer's to me.

Tbh, if it's gonna be a cover album, I don't want there to be ANY older covers, although I know that's probably not gonna happen.

Also, I like all the older covers. The "joke" ones can eat me.
Well I'm not overly fond of Slayer at all

:p :lol:
:lol:*right click,save as*
I probably haven't given them enough of a chance though I'll be honest..also I'm probably biased since I tend to think Kerry King is an annoying, smarmy, stereotype of a man. Oh well
Meh. I've never met the guy or heard interviews or anything, but I'm not one to let a person's personality/actions/beliefs/etc get in the way of the music.

Also, South of Heaven and Seasons in the Abyss are fucking ace.
Ah yeah of course,I've never met him and I'm all for the 'people's personalities and anything else got to do with them outside of the music shouldn't influence how you listen to or perceive the music' mantra,despite that brief lapse of objectivity above there.

That they are. Actually those two and reign in blood are the only ones I actually like..thrash isn't my fav genre though anyway so. ;)
This is steering offtopic.. Not overly excited about the new cover album tbh..better not just release old unreleased stuff we already know about like 'the man behind the mask' or the ST cover either though, not that they wouldn't be much appreciated.. but I want a suprise! Which we should get anyway, hopefully.
Well, haven't met Kerry King either, but he seems a pretty cool guy from the interviews. For being in a band as Slayer he's not the asshole many people could thing imho, as always talking from the interviews and stuff. People like Zakk Wylde, Ozzy, Phil Anselmo, Lars Ullrich, Kirk Hammett... act as if they were some kind of superior race most of the times and have interviews around beeing total assholes, but Kerry King doesn't IIRC. Anyway, if thrash is not your style then Slayer is definitely NOT your band :lol:
From Scythes of Bodom:

It seems that, as many fans have hoped, Children Of Bodom are to release an album of some of the many cover songs they have recorded over the years. An update posted on Spinefarm's Twitter page on the 17th April announced the covers compilation, with the release slated for September this year. No information yet about which covers are included, or if any new songs have been specially recorded, but the title is confirmed as "Skeletons In The Closet".

I'm guessing they're gonna cover "A skeleton in the Closet". That'd be really cool.
Final Countdown ?:( Trooper ?:(

The Countdown was not a cover by COB so it's obviosuly not going to be released in this album, I'm not too sure about The Trooper. Although they did say not all of the songs listed was going to make it so maybe the trooper will