CHILDREN OF BODOM To Release Collection Of Covers

^So what? You always get the best releases, it was time already that we europeans had a nice release.

Just getting too old for that playing shit drunk and singing like retard cuz it's fun. Maybe I'm too serious. They're cover songs after all, nobody should care, and just like the cover songs this whole idea is orchestrated by the label.

I don't know what it is but there's something seriously wrong. Why the fuck would you whine so much about the cover album? COB have always been on for funny stuff and never been the kind of tr00 band you seem to take them as. They do great covers. People wants the cover album. They release it. Where's the problem?

And about affecting the new album, WTF? Covers were recorded already in the begining of the summer, so there's no way they're affecting to the writing of the new album. Take it easy man, take it easy.
As I said, death metal and humour just don't go together for me. COB are great with that little bit of party feel many of their songs have.. just don't cross the line..
Ive read some old interview on serbian where Alexi said that they could do a album with covers cause fans like their covers a lot or smth like that.Im going to translate it today and post it tonight,its on serbian and its so looong and google translation sucks.:)So ill need some time.
They haven't devoted that much energy - just two new covers recorded - so I don't see how that would adversely affect their next album. I can understand
that some people will not be interested in this compilation, but I think their covers are cool, and have become something of a COB icon. I will definitely buy it,
and enjoy the songs in the spirit in which they were recorded.

exactly man!!! i will definately buy too!!!
Why so much complaining over this?
If fans want it and they want to do it,I don't see the problem.It's good for the fans that can't afford to buy every version of an album to get the extra song.Since I fall into this category,I'll definitely be buying it.
They've always been extreme power metal.

They've had melo-death influences, but they've never been death metal. At least not straight up.

Edit, on topic: CRUSHING DISAPPOINTMENT at this cover album
European version looks pretty good (of course because there is 17 songs). Definitely gonna buy this
Exactly why?
Well I know why I am disappointed in this cover album. There's only three new tracks! I was hoping for like a 2 disc release or something with a whole CD of new covers and a CD for their older ones. I thought they would at least put some of their unreleased covers on there as well. Like Waiting (For the Darkness) by King Diamond or Sukset by Popeda.
Sukset? Never heard that. About the KD cover, if they never released it it must be for a good reason imho. About the double CD, although I did expect 4 or 5 new tracks, I don't think recording that many would be a good idea, because this album was meant to be a compilation for the fans that don't want to buy every single edition of the albums to have all their covers. And, as a bonus for those die hard fans, some new covers. But that's me.