Children of Men...


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
I went and saw this movie tonight and it totally blew me away. The acting, the writing, the direction - ALL fucking amazing.

It's set a generation from now in 2027 when the entire planet is infertile. It has a apocolyptic feel to it, but still feels very very real, plausible and ominous.

I think it's out in cinemas Dec. 25th in the US, and I cannot even express how brilliant it is. Some of the direction is the most captivating movements of camera, use of sound and visuals I've ever seen. It's gritty, witty, smart and did I mention it completely owns. Some of the scenes practically assault you, it's that damn good.

Go see it. Or download then see it. 'Tis my vote for movie of the year, hands down.
awesome! i saw a trailer for it when i saw Black Dahlia (which wasnt very good) and thought "hey thats my kind of movie!"
December? hmm i thought it was next month!