Woah, that guy has more posts than you, Ryan! Never seen him here before, though. Probably got them all on the rest of the site.

Yeah. People on the Symphony X forums (I go there... but I'm not a regular at all) have like 1000 on AVERAGE! I'm not a freak there... lol... well... the fact most of my posts come from ONE forum still makes me one. ;):yell:
Matt's surprisingly not far behind me... but then again he's been on since... like 05. Am I right? Also... I bet about 800-900 of my posts are from here. The rest would be a mix of Symphony X, Nevermore (I almost instantly left due to their sick minded fans and their content), Turisas (like 2... and it's just like the Nevermore forums BTW *headesk*), Power Quest (like 2... And I'm not sure if it was them... I'm pretty sure.) Suspyre, and Artizan.
hello everyone, i have been following this forum for quite a while now but been to lazy to sign up and write anything, but when this post came up i just hade to become a member so i could requests a song :P

i would really want to see Rudolph vs. Frosty
love that song ^^
