Christian metal

Christian metal...

  • a contradiction in terms

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • ...disgusts me

    Votes: 24 22.9%
  • ...doesn't bother me

    Votes: 44 41.9%
  • great!

    Votes: 12 11.4%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Nesidara
I think Christian metal can work if the bands take on that same additude as POD. If the music is more of a positive nature and less preachy, then I see no reason why you can't rock out to Christian metal in the same way you would other forms of metal.

alright...yay....someone who thinks shit out...

that's been a big part of my argument for a long while...

how many of you listen to Dimmu Borgir?
are you all satanic?

if you aren't, but you attack christian bands, why?
just because you don't agree with the lyrics?
then how can you agree with satanic lyrics?
aren't they just as much bullshit?

one supports one religion you don't believe in...
the other supports one religion you dont' believe in...

so what's the difference?
there is none...most satanic bands (look at the lyrics to "bible basher") preach just as much as any Xian band ever did...
so if you don't listen to one because of the lyrics, don't hold anyone to a double standard and just stop bullshitting yourself, cuz that's all you're doing.

if you're going to listen to a band for the music, then listen to all bands for the music...if you're going ot listen to a band because of the lyrics, listen to all bands because of the lyrics...

don't count out a bands because of their beliefs and then not do the same...

do you agree with christianity? no? why?

do you agree with satanism? they believe the exact same thing as Xians...they just do the opposite...but it's the same belief...

so why listen to one band you don't agree with, and refuse to listen to another band you don't agree with, without even hearing the music?

people like you are full of shit, and need to get your heads out of your goddamned asses...

that is all...

PS. - listen to the album Liberate te ex Inferis by ZAO...they were a Xian band, but thy aren't anymore...dont' like preaching...gonna hold something against 'em because of what the members support and not what they sing about?
if ya do, are you going to get into the other politics of bands?
are you going to stop listening to theSTART because they're prochoice?
are you going to stop listening to No Innocent Victim because they're pro-life?

if you're goign to count a band out on some politics, do it on all politics
Originally posted by XeyesofcrueltyX
alright...yay....someone who thinks shit out...

that's been a big part of my argument for a long while...

how many of you listen to Dimmu Borgir?
are you all satanic?

if you aren't, but you attack christian bands, why?
just because you don't agree with the lyrics?
then how can you agree with satanic lyrics?
aren't they just as much bullshit?

one supports one religion you don't believe in...
the other supports one religion you dont' believe in...

so what's the difference?
there is none...most satanic bands (look at the lyrics to "bible basher") preach just as much as any Xian band ever did...
so if you don't listen to one because of the lyrics, don't hold anyone to a double standard and just stop bullshitting yourself, cuz that's all you're doing.

if you're going to listen to a band for the music, then listen to all bands for the music...if you're going ot listen to a band because of the lyrics, listen to all bands because of the lyrics...

don't count out a bands because of their beliefs and then not do the same...

do you agree with christianity? no? why?

do you agree with satanism? they believe the exact same thing as Xians...they just do the opposite...but it's the same belief...

so why listen to one band you don't agree with, and refuse to listen to another band you don't agree with, without even hearing the music?

people like you are full of shit, and need to get your heads out of your goddamned asses...

that is all...

PS. - listen to the album Liberate te ex Inferis by ZAO...they were a Xian band, but thy aren't anymore...dont' like preaching...gonna hold something against 'em because of what the members support and not what they sing about?
if ya do, are you going to get into the other politics of bands?
are you going to stop listening to theSTART because they're prochoice?
are you going to stop listening to No Innocent Victim because they're pro-life?

if you're goign to count a band out on some politics, do it on all politics

word, yo
Originally posted by XeyesofcrueltyX
how many of you listen to Dimmu Borgir?
are you all satanic?

... do me a favor: Don't talk anymore.

Seriously, though... as far as Satanism/Luciferianism/etc in metal... no, I'm not a Satanist, OR Luciferian, though I share similar philosophies with both religions. I support what they stand for, without sharing the mystical beliefs that both hold.

Call it a double standard if you wish, but that's the way it is.

Originally posted by XeyesofcrueltyX
one supports one religion you don't believe in...
the other supports one religion you dont' believe in...

One supports one religion I find repulsive...
... the other supports one religion I find healthy and sensible.

Originally posted by XeyesofcrueltyX
there is none...most satanic bands (look at the lyrics to "bible basher") preach just as much as any Xian band ever did...
so if you don't listen to one because of the lyrics, don't hold anyone to a double standard and just stop bullshitting yourself, cuz that's all you're doing.

I answered this above. I support the ideology behind Satanism AND Luciferionism. I do NOT support the ideology behind Christian music.

It's a matter of choice, and preference. Regardless of personal motivation behind my choice, its still my choice.

Originally posted by XeyesofcrueltyX
if you're going to listen to a band for the music, then listen to all bands for the music...if you're going ot listen to a band because of the lyrics, listen to all bands because of the lyrics...

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. I can listen to a band because of the shade of corpsepaint they wear: That's my business, and you're in no position to criticize.

Originally posted by XeyesofcrueltyX
do you agree with christianity? no? why?

do you agree with satanism? they believe the exact same thing as Xians...they just do the opposite...but it's the same belief...


Originally posted by XeyesofcrueltyX
if ya do, are you going to get into the other politics of bands?
are you going to stop listening to No Innocent Victim because they're pro-life?

I never have listened to them, and because they're pro-life, I wouldn't even consider it.

My choice.

Originally posted by XeyesofcrueltyX
if you're goign to count a band out on some politics, do it on all politics

Again... idiocy.

I noticed one major issue with your 'argument:' You said the same thing repeatedly by rephrasing the question you posed... hence the heavy editing I did.
Hey how about this. Yes i am a believer in God, but what does music have to do with that, or metal for that matter, i strongly oppose any organized religion, I have no dinomination, so i can relate to that in metal, I also beleive that satanism or whaterver you people are calling it today has no place in music either, but here's the thing, music is a creative outlet of the individuals expression, bands can do whetever they want as far as i am concerned, if i don't like it, I don't fucking listen to it, but that doesn't mean that person cannot say what he wants. I hope that made sense. So remember, just because someone makes music you don't like or you don't agree with, that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist, and oh, one more thing, IT'S JUST FUCKING MUSIC!
Uh, only fags give half a shit about what beliefs artists have.

Tom Araya has been Catholic since before Slayer even started. Does that mean everything Slayer has ever written lyrically or musically is automatically worthless? I'm sure there are plenty of christians in death metal bands that just don't publicly announce their religion to everyone, likely for fear of being labeled christian metal. Barney from Napalm Death is straight edge (or vegan, one of those 2). If a band holds beliefs that contradict your beliefs, do you hold that against them? Alot of the 'satanic' bands come off sounding just as childish and preachy as christian bands. I could care less about lyrics either way. If I wanted to take someone else's views and beliefs seriously, I'd read a fucking book. Music is definitely not a proper forum to condone others beliefs. Heck, its really VERY stupid, if you think about it for a few seconds.

ANY band who's main lyrical focus is religious or anti-religious is either a gimmicky band or a generic band who stole their lyrical content from the bands they were influenced by.

Can Christians in a metal band be contradictory? Yeah, of course. Metal is a musical style. Its not defined by the collective religions of the members composing the band, metal is just a musical style. Last I checked, there is no metal bible which explains all the rules (that metal faq on doesnt count, one person can't be responsible for all the rules of something that was created before he was born). If a band is playing music like Slayer, Sadus, Cannibal Corpse, Vader, Dark Angel, etc, but using lyrics like "I love God, God is good," they're still metal, albeit with lame lyrics.

Most of the bands out there that seem or claim to be satanic usually have no idea what satanism really is. Look at the old Darkthrone interviews with Fenriz, than look at recent interviews... its all obviously a gimmick. Anyone who listens to music because they think it's 'evil' is usually just buying into some faggy marketing strategy. (even though I approve of Darkthrone's music)
Originally posted by DeathMetalSatan
Accordingly, they decide to tap into another medium to relay their misguided message. This is much akin to how they stole Yule from the Pagans and called it Christmas.

Only that we still call it "jul" in the Scandinavian countries! Jesus? Who's that? :lol:

As a sidenote, I´d just like to refer to a recent investigation which was recently published in the biggest Norwegian newspaper, Verdens Gang (, stating that all the Nordic countries are among the most secularized in the world, Sweden being the leader of the pack with only 32% of the population believing in any "higher power" whatsoever. Why am I writing this? Well, I just feel happy to live here, not constantly being exposed to xian propaganda. American hypocrisy & mentality is a terrible thing I believe.

To conclude; Christian Metal? Pathetic. I answered: "...doesn't bother me" in the sense that I couldn't care less about it´s futile (I dearly hope) existence.
I'll just throw my two cents in.

1) I was brought up a Christian so it's hard for me to be objective.

2) I love Metal so It's hard to be objective.

3) I can't see why one part of my life could contradict the other.

The end.
Originally posted by satanistical
Funny tho they sing about something that does not exsist. But that is a can of worms.

If bands singing about stuff that exists is a pre-requisite for your listening, then I feel sorry for you.