Christian metal

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Int said:
I'd say that pretty much all decent black metal has an evil atmosphere. In the Nightside Eclipse could be considered beautiful but only in a very dark and, yes, 'evil' way.

I don't think you have to look at it as "evil." Really....what does the general sound "look" like to you. A dark night, a storm, a cold moor, something like that? To me it does.....and there's nothing evil about those things. They're dark, but still beautiful. From a Christian perspective....God created all of those things, so there's nothing evil about them at all. That doesn't mean the music you would write to personify a storm would be happy sounding.
Int said:
Oh and yes I know this topic isn't solely about Christian black metal, but in my view a Christian making metal is kind of like a Satanist writing pop. It doesn't fit.

I think you need to fix your metal image of a "satanist."
Jean-Pierre said:
Ignoring your diction, you don't seem to have an original thought in your entire body. Quit being a fucking drone.

You're a moron. Following a bunch of four thousand year old tripe scribbled down by a bunch of primitive sand dwellers is about as unoriginal as possible.
And yes, I quote the album title of one fucking album in one single line and now "I am not original".
You are a fucking retard. Will you and your type please just kindly die.
Christians 'ACCEPT' a jewish martyr as their savior.

Christianity and Judaism is crossing together. What does that have nothing to do with anything.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I don't really know about specific Christian Black Metal I imagine a lot of them are rather generic and bland. That comes with the territory, as none of the black metal originators were Christians. That's what I don't really like about some Christian bands, as they just want to copy, not forge their own musical direction. But as I said earlier, that's because they're not going for musical goals, But I don't necessarily see black metal as having to be "evil." There's fluctuation within the genre. Of course some kinds of sounds are always going to be rotten and evil sounding, but I see a lot of black metal as being really beautiful sounding, things like 'In The Nightside Eclipse,' 'Aspera Hiems Symfonia,' 'Goat Horns,' etc.

I'd say Lengsel's Solace has some original ideas for the black metal genre, they certainly don't sound like any other black metal band ive heard.
Gallantry over Docility said:
no more absurd than saying a series of words can
your logic degenerates with every post. come on, what happened to the lengthy retorts that actually caused discussion? this is just plain absurd. musical notes can't be in opposition to anything but silence, dissonance/consonance and each other.
I'll have to listen to them. As I said, I don't really know any Christian Black Metal bands, but when I was looking at some a while ago, I got the impression that a lot of them just took the image and general music of black metal and stuck some Christian lyrics over it.
Darth Kur said:
You're a moron. Following a bunch of four thousand year old tripe scribbled down by a bunch of primitive sand dwellers is about as unoriginal as possible.
sorry, but actually its 2000. not 4000. and its written quite legibly if you can understand the language.

what i find unoriginal is bashing the world's most "cool to hate" religion without backing up that distate with anything more than short fragments of profanity and chaotic rage.
Silent Song said:
your logic degenerates with every post. come on, what happened to the lengthy retorts that actually caused discussion? this is just plain absurd. musical notes can't be in opposition to anything but silence, dissonance/consonance and each other.

I don't agree either....but we had a really long discussion on this subject a while back. I can't find it in my post history, though....maybe someone else can direct you to it.
I'm not saying that a C# can sound anti-communist you utter cretin. I am, however, saying that music can sound happy, sad - a wide range of things. Repeatedly bashing a diminished 7th in C# on a piano is not going to sound cute, it's going to sound psychotic (and crap). The theme tune to Azumanga Daioh does sound cute. Pretty much all good black metal sounds evil. Christianity is not too keen on evil.

To conclude, halo 2 sucks.
Darth Kur said:
You're a moron. Following a bunch of four thousand year old tripe scribbled down by a bunch of primitive sand dwellers is about as unoriginal as possible.
And yes, I quote the album title of one fucking album in one single line and now "I am not original".
You are a fucking retard. Will you and your type please just kindly die.

Ahem, good to see you're thinking critically. :cool:
Int said:
I'm not saying that a C# can sound anti-communist you utter cretin. I am, however, saying that music can sound happy, sad - a wide range of things. Repeatedly bashing a diminished 7th in C# on a piano is not going to sound cute, it's going to sound psychotic (and crap). The theme tune to Azumanga Daioh does sound cute. Pretty much all good black metal sounds evil. Christianity is not too keen on evil.

To conclude, halo 2 sucks.

You sound like you don't know much about music at all. Really. Are you so pompous about your black metal that you think it's the only genre that sounds quote-"evil." (aka, evil is only one word for it)
ultmetal said:
Zhou Tai 04, where is ultimatum, vengeance rising (now called Once Dead), Recon and Deliverance on your list? Perhaps I just missed them.
Hmm, thanks for reminding me of those bands. I'll add them.
Int said:
I'm not saying that a C# can sound anti-communist you utter cretin. I am, however, saying that music can sound happy, sad - a wide range of things. Repeatedly bashing a diminished 7th in C# on a piano is not going to sound cute, it's going to sound psychotic (and crap). The theme tune to Azumanga Daioh does sound cute. Pretty much all good black metal sounds evil. Christianity is not too keen on evil.

I'll agree with you that certain chord progressions or combinations of tones can evoke a dark or evil feeling/atmosphere which we can thereby interpret and extract an abstract meaning from. What I'd dispute is the specificity of said meaning. A dark-sounding chord progression is not necessarily indicative of an anti judeo/christian ideology. Ideology is read into the music by people with specific agendas. Furthermore, why can't music be interpreted as a portrayal rather than a glorification of various emotions and ideas? I certainly think it can.
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