Circus Maximus availability

you find it funny, i find it sad and out of touch. not that it answers anything i asked/refutes what i talked about
lady_space said:
While I do understand the "it's extra" argument, I also understand that it often seems a ploy by a label to get consumers to purchase more than 1 disc, and I think it soemtimes is just that.

You are referring to multiple releases/versions of a domestic release. We are talking about domestic vs an import that was never intended to compete with the domestic.

Glenn H.
well, if i sold you led zeppelin I without dazed and confused because you're in the US, but gave it to consumers in asia, you'd feel bitchslapped too.
It seems that the old proverb is true: "you give them and inch and they take a mile". Here it is we are doing something nice for the fans and some you want to turn it into something negative.

I'll have to remember this thread when it comes to our upcoming releases...

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge
if you take it as an insult, it's unintended. i take it as supporting a proliferating cause that creates up to a dozen different versions of a single cd creates disgruntled customers in different countries because they can't affordably get every version of the cd to have those songs of the bands they love.

the job of the consumer is to voice out against things that bother them, and there are a decent amount of people in the thread that voiced out against it. perhaps you have little choice in your present situation, but when you become the label for some new band, and you license the music out to someone else, perhaps you might stipulate in the contract that all albums are equal, so that the consumers go home happy, while paying the cheaper domestic prices rather than buying imports to satiate thier appetites for music of that band, because there is ALWAYS an import that has something that the domestic doesnt have in the current arrangement, and its sad.
please don't let a few bad apples sway your opinion of most fans of your artists, Ken.

*scowls at bhcompy*

as for you, take it from a fellow fan. STFU. you don't know what you're talking about at all. there aren't "a dozen editions" there are 2, for 2 distinct regions that have seperate distributions. everything the label-owners have said in this thread makes perfect sense. the only thing that isn't making sense here is you.

yes it would be different if there were many editions within the same distribution for the purpose of making more money. that is NOT the case. you either haven't been reading a thing or you just don't understand it. don't ruin this for the rest of us who actually appreciate this gesture. you also need to remember that the nature of what is "Import" depends on WHERE YOU ARE.
i'm sorry if being a consumer offends your sensibilities.

edit: for the purpose of this specific album, true. but other bands have different arrangements. there are at least 5 versions of a night at the opera. generally i see different tracklists for asia/japan(sometimes different in itself), south america, north america, and europe
First, let me warn people. I am stepping out of the promoter shoes for a moment. As a promoter, I want people to think of me as professional, courteous, and willing to listen to the consumer. I attempt to remain calm in the face of insults and quiet when I know saying anything in public will not help me. I believe I reach these goals 99% of the time. However, I just can't do it this time. If the following post may lower your opinion of me, please stop now. It would be for the best.....

QUOTE- how do economics factor into this?


Quote- some distro label spent the money to license it to the us and the product was selling for 9bux. the same product with an extra track, imported, was selling for double. does it cost the local label double to include that extra track? no way in hell. they would still have a cheaper price and the local people would still buy from that label because of it. but instead,

For the love of whateverreligion/science/naturethingamajig you beleive in, go back and read Deron's post to specifically see that you don't have a clue.

1. Domestic label with no international distributions produces a disc here in the states.

2. Domestic label sells rights to the disc to an international label. That label pays a fee up front before selling a single disc. THEN, that label has to put their own money into producing and marketing the disc in their own territory. Guess what? It costs more fucking money to do that. I know..shocking..but wait...there's more. Those international labels do NOT IMPORT THE OTHER RELEASE to sell as their own. They press their own copies, etc as it is cheaper for them. Oh my god..somebody is trying to make a profit. The 5th horseman is rounding the corner.....

3. The monetary exchange between the two countries (of the labels reaches absurd levels. It is cheaper for a customer to go online and order an import than to buy it from their local store.

4. New label knows for a fact this will happen and they will LOSE money because of it. However, if they apply the successful Japanese model for bonus material. They give their own customers a reason to stay home with their purchase., thus ensuring their own ecomnic survival.

5. Domestic label knows that his own hardcore customers may drop the extra coin to get the import and he loses sales as well as reputation amongst rabid internet fans that have no clue about the ecomnics of the business. He decides to do all he can for those fans and give them something as well even though it was not originally meant to be released. The label actually spent more money mastering demo material in an attempt to balance things out when he didn't have to do shit.

What part of 2 + 2 = 4 are you not getting?

OK...whew....I feel better now. I'm heading back into the voice of reason mode regardless of the reply that comes. My apologies to those that I let down.

Glenn H.
Silent Song said:
you aren't reacting as a consumer, you're acting as a leecher. there's a difference.

why am i a leecher? because i'm buying an album and im getting different songs than someone else buying an album? how is that leeching?
3. The monetary exchange between the two countries (of the labels reaches absurd levels. It is cheaper for a customer to go online and order an import than to buy it from their local store.

This is where I disagree. As a buyer I generally see foreign bands' discs cheaper in the US than buying foreign, meaning if all things were created equal, I would buy domestic. Perhaps from the foreign countries buying from the US, but seriously, how much music that we listen to(which is one of few areas that i see rampant "extras") is homebrewed? Maybe you're talking from that perspective, I don't know. But considering international shipping charges, taxes, etc, I would imagine in the majority of markets it's cheaper to buy domestic. I know it is in my market. In markets that aren't, perhaps those markets need to examine why their prices are so high in the first place instead of giving consumers a reaming.
Heh. This will probably all be irrelevant soon. I think in less than 10 years there won't be any discs at all. All music will be pay per download from the internet. It will be rather pointless, as technology improves, to pay to put music on tons of plasic, print tons of artwork, then package it in tons of jewel cases. Then you have to truck, ship/fly/rail, pay import/export duties, warehouse, and truck all that stuff again to get it to retailers. A large part of what we pay for an expensive CD is production (factory not studio) and shipping.
It make a lot more sense economically to be able to copy/past the artwork right off of your computer screen, and download the entire album in a zip file directly from the artist. Better yet you could download just the songs you want and forgo all the "filler tracks." Music will probably be cheaper too (allowing for inflation) since all you pay for is the recording and promotion.
When sound technology actually exists, for example:
1. That allows the artists to actually get paid for their material.
2. Universal broadband.
3. Increased site bandwidth
Buying a pre-packaged CD will go the way of the 8 track.

Did I just have a Nostradamus moment?
i hope not because i like liner notes and discs.

and yes, this discussion is pathetic. why is it being discussed? i'm just trying to defend the labels whom i see doing no wrong, and the reputation of their customers whom i believe the attackers don't represent.

maybe someone should just close this.
Videogames are already there, movies are there in some capacity, music is destined for it, so yes, Nostradamus indeed

edit: And criticism is only an attack if you are unable to consider it rationally
Last comments before I'm done with this thread:

1. I appreciate Glenn's comments. One thing I did want to point out is that we are a US based company but we have distribution through out the world. In the case of Circus Maximus we elected to license to Frontiers Records. If you visit our website: you can see a list of all of our distributors in case you are having difficulty finding any of our releases. We appreciate you being our eyes and ears.

2. bhcompy - you are welcome to call me to discuss further. My phone number is 856-751-6444. Please call me between 1-6 EST Mon-Fri. You seem to feel that we are somehow trying to take advantage of you. I would like to ease those concerns.

3. Circus Maximus "The First Chapter" out in the US on May 17th. We will take preorders in April and you'll get it at a fair price and in time for street date.

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge/Sensory
Ken singled me out...


"Nightmare1z you seem to feel as though we are looking to screw you over. We are trying to do something positive. Please don't try to turn it into a negative."

I don't know why everyone thinks I'm bad mouthing the label or anything. All I have been saying is that as a consumer, I'm getting tired of all this different songs - different places. I understand the reasoning, I understand the economic reasons, and I understand the whole issue.

For the last time (If you reread my posts): My original point of my first point was that with labels complaining about slack record sales, releasing multiple versions is not helping at all. That's it! I think most of us agree too - we'll buy one version of it, and just download the other track. That was all my post was about!

If you somehow saw a direct insult of LaserCD in my posts (which I'm not seeing) then feel free. But my comment is directed at the whole scenario (not you) and others here have voiced it as well. Of course we all like extra stuff, but take this with ANY other entertainment product.

Example: There's a movie shown here and in Europe. There's a five minute exclusive scene for the US theaters and a five minute scene for European theaters. Of course there is going to be people complaining since they want to just see the full movie. I'm really really surprised to see you state "I'll have to remember this thread when it comes to our upcoming releases..." It's like you have no clue how consumers might react to this.

Another example: The Edguy King of Fools single in Europe had a 10 minute making of the album video. The US version did not have it. There were many posts on metal boards with people asking "Am I just not seeing it", "Why did they leave it off?!", "US screwed again", etc.

I don't view it as people being greedy like you state, but I view it as people just wanting it to be fair. Person A gets what Person B gets, etc. Unfortunatly, life is not fair - and let me cap this I UNDERSTAND THE REASONS WHY THE LABELS DO THIS *sighs*. But I, and anyone else here, should damn well be able to state our opinions on it. Because if one person feels that way - chances are others do as well.