Classic Film Moments

Yes, yes and thrice YES!!!

*heads off to watch 'Holy Grail' for the nth time* (I have lost count of the amount of times, but I know I'm into triple figures)
Thats right we win. Unlucky. :lol: j/k

New film moment. This time its American.

Leslie Nielsen in Airplane coming up to the cockpit: "I just want to tell you both good luck. We're counting on you." 3 times.
Last week Japanese scientists placed explosives at the bottom of lake loch ness to blow nessy out of the water. Sir McLaughlin of the nessy alliance, summoned the help of scotland's local druids to cast a protective spell around the lake.
Last week Japanese scientists placed explosives at the bottom of lake loch ness to blow nessy out of the water. Sir McLaughlin of the nessy alliance, summoned the help of scotland's local druids to cast a protective spell around the lake.

Can't say I recognise that one. :err:
Everyone needs to watch Postal. Oh my fucking god. I was in stitches. :lol:

Osama bin Laden: [on the walkie-talkie] The fat man is at the buffet.
Mohammed: What?
Osama bin Laden: I repeat: the fat man is at the buffet.
Mohammed: What the fuck are you talking about?
Osama bin Laden: The van is here you idiot.

Uwe Boll: You know, there're all that rumors out there that my movies are financed with nazi-gold? And what should I say? It's true! But somebody needs to do something with the money.
Old Lady in Audience: Do you know that my father died in Auschwitz?
Uwe Boll: My grandpa died also in Auschwitz.
Uwe Boll: [pause] He fell from a watchtower.

It's a bad film but oh my god. There is some genius in that film. The mentally retarded Taliban solider is awesome.

If you're offended by anything at all, don't watch it.
Who made that movie?

Uwe Boll. Most known for being the worst director in recent times. I haven't watched any of his other films but he takes the piss out of himself in this one, got to give the guy credit.

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Peter Griffin as Han Solo - "If you'd like to step on board I can give you the guided tour seeing as no one is trying to stop this ship or blast us."

Entering Stormtroopers - "Stop that ship!" "Blast them!"

Griffin - "Well there goes the guided tour."

From Family Guy Blue Harvest. It is one of the funniest things I've seen recently, its brilliant.