Classical/Traditional Music


Reinhold Gliere: Anything, his 3rd symphony is amazing though
Julius Reubke:The organ sonata on the 94th psalm(mentioned earlier) is incredibly crushing and fantastic. he has a seriously limited compositional output, but find anything you can
Arnold Bax: The single greatest symphonist ever, I am in love with him. Just listen to his first symphony

That's all for now...much more to come, I have so many cd's to listen to
I was listening to Bax two days back because you keep recommending it, namely sixth and seventh symphony. There are a lot of brass themes but it all feels kinda disconnected imo. But yeah, I have to listen to it properly and without studying spineless animals at the same time. I also haven‘t heard his first yet.
I have a big problem finding english librettos to operas. I heard Lady Macbeth yesterday and that one is online, but I have Berg's Wozzeck in iTunes and I don't understand shit because it's in german and I haven't found any translations online. Only spanish, and that seriously does NOT help.
I have a big problem finding english librettos to operas. I heard Lady Macbeth yesterday and that one is online, but I have Berg's Wozzeck in iTunes and I don't understand shit because it's in german and I haven't found any translations online. Only spanish, and that seriously does NOT help.

apparently the libretto is still under copyright so you'll have to buy it. its unfortunate because the music really only makes sense in light of what's going on with the story.

I saw the St. Martin in the Fields chamber ensemble last night, fucking INCREDIBLE. Got free tickets because I'm a music major. Most incredible playing i've ever heard, I think it's spurred my interest in smaller chamber works now. At my school I was the only freshman to test out of music literature, and now I meet with one of the professors every week and she gives me new music to listen to. She's turned me onto Kurtag, Kancheli, Ives etc...weird stuff man o.O

I saw the St. Martin in the Fields chamber ensemble last night, fucking INCREDIBLE. Got free tickets because I'm a music major. Most incredible playing i've ever heard, I think it's spurred my interest in smaller chamber works now. At my school I was the only freshman to test out of music literature, and now I meet with one of the professors every week and she gives me new music to listen to. She's turned me onto Kurtag, Kancheli, Ives etc...weird stuff man o.O

Rec me some Kurtág. I’ve heard some Ligeti and it felt like there was nothing to like. And I like some modern stuff tbh.
Thanks I will check thoes out. I’m listening to Ligeti’s violin concerto and it’s a mess.
So I downloaded some Kurtág today but I will listen to it later because it’s Saturday and I need to get drunk.

EDIT: Thoughts later.
Listening to Respighi today for the first time. Fontane di Roma and Pini di Roma. Some beautiful stuff. Also deciding on going to a concert next month - Wagner Rienzi overture + Mozart second horn concerto and some chamber Brahms in the second half. All of it is what I enjoy, si si si si senor.
I love Zoltan Kodaly, Alan Rawnsworthe, Schonberg, Rodion Shchedrin and Mieczysław Karłowicz at the moment

Fuck I only know Schoenberg and Schredrin. I should check the others. BTW, I'm just randomly listening to some Russian 20th century composers quartets. Mosolov's is awesome.

Emptier, have you checked Respighi's Fountains of Rome? ;)