Classical works you'd like to hear SymX do?

Rose Immortal

Spirit of Hope
Jun 19, 2004
This thread has probably been done before, but in light of what's recently been said about the tone this next album is going to take, perhaps responses will be different.

My #1 request would be some bits from Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. Unfortunately I don't know how to decribe it, but if you've seen the old Fantasia movie you'll know what I mean: the part where all the volcanos are blowing up and all hell has broken loose. There are a few other places that would have cool riffs, too--but I'd just LOVE to hear Romeo and Lepond come crashing in with that riff.

#2 would be some classical Spanish guitar, just to vary things. Some pieces can be dark and depressive, and it would show off a new side of Romeo's playing skills. Pinnella could potentially have some fun with the idea, too. completely hokey as it sounds...would be Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain". That is IF too many people haven't ripped it off already. In which case, scratch that idea.
i just played rach's prelude in g-minor...op.23...i looove awesome. yeah i would love to hear pinella play that stuff. I was also think NOBM by mossourgsky (sp?), would also be interesting to see how romeo, lepond and pineela could arrange some piano trios...that would be really interesting.
Romeo.jr said:
i just played rach's prelude in g-minor...op.23...i looove awesome. yeah i would love to hear pinella play that stuff. I was also think NOBM by mossourgsky (sp?), would also be interesting to see how romeo, lepond and pineela could arrange some piano trios...that would be really interesting.

I agree.

BTW The G minor one is beautiful specially the middle part.
Maybe it's not considered "classic" but I'd really love to hear SymX do some Atonal stuff like Messiean's Quartet for the end of Time or more experimental stuff like works by Takemitsu... I guess it would rip off the neoclassical title though. :/
Rose Immortal said:
This thread has probably been done before, but in light of what's recently been said about the tone this next album is going to take, perhaps responses will be different.

My #1 request would be some bits from Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. Unfortunately I don't know how to decribe it, but if you've seen the old Fantasia movie you'll know what I mean: the part where all the volcanos are blowing up and all hell has broken loose. There are a few other places that would have cool riffs, too--but I'd just LOVE to hear Romeo and Lepond come crashing in with that riff.

#2 would be some classical Spanish guitar, just to vary things. Some pieces can be dark and depressive, and it would show off a new side of Romeo's playing skills. Pinnella could potentially have some fun with the idea, too. completely hokey as it sounds...would be Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain". That is IF too many people haven't ripped it off already. In which case, scratch that idea.

1. unfortunately, stravinsky isn't public domain yet, so they would have to shell out royalities to his estate. that's probably why no one covers the more modern stuff. about leyenda?
3. already been done, works quite well too!
Rose Immortal said: completely hokey as it sounds...would be Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain". That is IF too many people haven't ripped it off already. In which case, scratch that idea.

and his "Great Gate of Kiev" That is one of my all time favorite pieces of music. That piece would sound so awesome with MJR tearin' it up :cool:
I know this isnt exactly classical music but I think it would be cool if they did a cover of the inquisition song from Mel Brooks' History of The World Part 1.
wayne the goblin/robot said:
I know this isnt exactly classical music but I think it would be cool if they did a cover of the inquisition song from Mel Brooks' History of The World Part 1.

on second thought, that would be a bad idea forget about it.

btw: I think dt's new album title starts with an "o"