Classics Reborn

Journalism lesson 101: How to write good with good headlines like a proper journalist

Here's a guy who was playing before EVH turned up, a guy who doesn't play like EVH and he's not influenced by the guy. Wow I bet he wasn't influenced but Eddie Murphy either.

I'm sure there might be some people interested in who actually influence Adrian, but instead Blabber want to draw attention to the fact that he wasn't influenced by one particular guy. Slow news day or is Blabber preparing for the day Eddie does depart this world and they can lead with "Adrian Smith hated Eddie Van Halen."
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Journalism lesson 101: How to write good with good headlines like a proper journalist

Here's a guy who was playing before EVH turned up, a guy who doesn't play like EVH and he's not influenced by the guy. Wow I bet he wasn't influenced but Eddie Murphy either.

I'm sure there might be some people interested in who actually influence Adrian, but instead Blabber want to draw attention to the fact that he wasn't influenced by one particular guy. Slow news day or is Blabber preparing for the day Eddie does depart this world and they can lead with "Adrian Smith hated Eddie Van Halen."
Lol, yeah. Great article.
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But the fact is no one is like the mighty Adrian Smith,his tone alone makes most drool!!!

I definitely prefer AS to EVH, but then I wasn't a huge VH fan. I also find it weird that any interviewer asked the question, although I accept that the video interview was longer and the Blabber editor was only writing a headline to get clicks. My bet is he/she was trying to start a word fight in the comments.
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Lol, yeah. Great article.

They really are getting worse. More and more it's a badly worded headline to hook the readers, then one or two paragraphs of related text and the rest of the story is a rehash on the last news worthy thing that happened to the subject. It's a damn good thing Blabber have so little competition because they would loose out if there was anything serious out there doing what they do.
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I definitely prefer AS to EVH, but then I wasn't a huge VH fan. I also find it weird that any interviewer asked the question, although I accept that the video interview was longer and the Blabber editor was only writing a headline to get clicks. My bet is he/she was trying to start a word fight in the comments.
I think they just asked because he had said he really wanted to meet him.
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They really are getting worse. More and more it's a badly worded headline to hook the readers, then one or two paragraphs of related text and the rest of the story is a rehash on the last news worthy thing that happened to the subject. It's a damn good thing Blabber have so little competition because they would loose out if there was anything serious out there doing what they do.
I know. It's like iTunes. You'd think someone halfway competent could come in and clean up.
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I think they just asked because he had said he really wanted to meet him.

It was at NAMM and EVH is being talked about a lot lately because he's reportedly (possibly) quite sick so I understand the question even if I knew the answer but I don't understand Blabber.
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I know. It's like iTunes. You'd think someone halfway competent could come in and clean up.

Unfortunately it seems like the bigger they get the more this is true. Someone needs to stop Blabber (while giving us an alternative)
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Yeah that surprised me too. I understand that some people from the music world knew the guy and will send tributes but I'm not sure it's metal news.
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I wonder if Kobe was a metal fan. If he was I guess I can see a connection they can exploit, but otherwise he was just a basketballer.
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Good luck to KK, hopefully with something else to focus on he can look forward rather than continually looking back. But honestly I only read the KK articles now for Diana whatsherface's comments. There is blind fans of KK and then there is Diana, she even talks about someone else licking Rob's arse without removing her own tongue from KK's arse. Amazing woman!
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Good luck to KK, hopefully with something else to focus on he can look forward rather than continually looking back. But honestly I only read the KK articles now for Diana whatsherface's comments. There is blind fans of KK and then there is Diana, she even talks about someone else licking Rob's arse without removing her own tongue from KK's arse. Amazing woman!
She is outta control lol. She was bashing Richie because he was mad that Priest got snubbed again. Knowing full well he wouldn't be inducted. He was just pissed for the other guys and the fans. And she went on this huge rant just bashing the guy because of KK ass licking.

I'm so sick of KK because of all his Priest splitting bullshit and his overrated (in my opinion) guitar prowess. But I'm rooting for him. I'm interested in seeing what he can come up with. And how much of him will make it good vs how much will be good because of the people they've hired to play or write on it. You think there's any chance it won't be Ripper? I want him to go away.
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I love how passionate she is, if she's not related she a crazed psycho and KK needs to watch his back :)

I'd like to see what he does, whether I buy it or not, but I have zero interest in KK the person or his attitude. It's an interesting question about Ripper. If they are on different labels it might be difficult, but then if these people know what they are doing with KK they'll get as many different people as they can to give it the best chance of being the hit they want it to be.
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I just read her first rant and holy crap is she delusional! I also don't think I've seen a bigger ass kisser. KK won the war of manipulation that's for sure!

Yeah I'm expecting a lot of guests. I'm not sure Ripper is tied to a label..except Monster lol. All his projects can't be on the same one can they?
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It's funny to see her go for it. I can't imagine she gets anything for such an arse kissing, unless she is his hand maiden or something. Yet every chance she gets she's defending him like he's done no wrong and Rob is the devil incarnate.

With some luck Ripper will be too busy doing the Three Tremors thing so he wont have time. :)
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