I'm sure she's/he's very happy. It keeps the Priest bashing going.I wonder what Diana from Blabber thinks about this relationship. Surely such a thing would have needed her/him/its approval before being public spoken about.
I do remember when! I have that DVD!
I don't think my copy is that bad.OUCH! The fast cuts between instruments is hard to watch with such poor resolution.
The video looks straight out of the 80's, if I was watching that without sound I wouldn't reckon it was filmed in 2004.
Geez half the band don't look happy to be on stage. They look like they are just gong through the motions.
Steve and Stet look like they are giving it a go but not the others.
I don't hate Mike's vocals but they are nothing on what they used to be. I used to love this song even before I really knew who Metal Church were, but I don't think I'd say the same hearing it for the first time now.
Fuck Kerry looks closer to Kip Winger than he does himself now.Geez there is some weird shit on the FB page Neptune posted
Pirate Kerry
Hey look Exodus once had a blow up doll that looked like Kirk Hammett
I'm sure she's/he's very happy. It keeps the Priest bashing going.
I don't think my copy is that bad.
I'll have to check this out later. I'm not surprised Kurdt has no energy. The guy isn't into music with energy anymore.
Fuck Kerry looks closer to Kip Winger than he does himself now.
How long was that bass player with Exodus? It doesn't seem like he gets it lol.
It's been a long time since I've watched it. I kinda remember a lot of camera work being straight on. But I'll put it in later and check it out.Is the DVD filmed from the same angle? It kind of looks like that clip is handy cam footage.
That's all he ever does. Good thing he was on the side lines when Mike was first in the band. Go back to your ballet band!It seriously shows. He's not even going through the motions. Mike is at least trying and it might well be age that is getting Mike more than anything, made even more obvious by singing such an old classic, but he's kind of giving it a go and just not pulling it off. Kurdt is doing fuck all on that stage.