Classics Reborn

It's funny reading the King/Bostaph thread on Metal Archives. They all know exactly what happened between King, Araya and Lombardo, they all have different articles to link to and the best thing is, they all disagree with each other :)
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I wonder if the same arguments will be aimed at Tom and Kerry in a few years when KK's Slayer has released another 5 albums and Tom's still at home with the wife and kids living off royalties. "Damn Kerry, he didn't want to pay Tom what he was worth so Tom quit!!!"
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I wonder if Kerry will use the name. Let's face it he's been Slayer for 40 years, and despite him saying before Jeff's death that Slayer couldn't be anyone but their three leaders he's proven that wrong. If there is not trademark issues using the Slayer name would probably ensure some sales.
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I still think Kerry's biggest problem is that he's always going to sound like Kerry and therefore sound like Slayer. An instrumental would sound like Slayer without vocals, putting Sebastian Bach on vocals would be Slayer with a girl singing (oops :) ). It's not going to be easy for him to be Kerry King any more, in some ways I wouldn't blame him if he didn't try...although I'd like him to!
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It wont only be blabberbitches that slam him for being too Slayer like though.
I do think that Kerry and Slayer's output has been waning over the last 10 or so years and I really hope that Kerry can do something that is stronger. I'm hopeful but not certain that will happen.
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No one should expect any less. It's completely unrealistic. Kerry has a sound. And he wrote a lot for Slayer. It's going to sound more like Slayer than anything else. He's said as much. You can't just not write like yourself and to try anyway would probably be a disaster. And let's face it, he's not a schooled musician. Slayer with good solos and a good frontman is fine by me. I'm tired of people trying new things. Just bring the thrash. I bet most of those complainers aren't going to buy the album regardless of it being good or not.
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Yeah but Repentless was not really a great album, it had moments on it but it wasn't as good as it could have been. He's said previous he has an album full of songs from the Repentless sessions and that's what I'm not looking forward to. If he could go back pre-God Hates Us All, or even as far back as Seasons, that would be more appreciated by me. I don't want Repentless part 2 no matter who is in the band.
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If Kerry delivers Repentless 2 I'm going to wrap those plastic chains hanging from his belt around his neck and yank on them until his head explodes!!

They are terrible but Blabber doesn't help themselves either. There's an article today with Eric Burdon talking about Trump using House Of The Rising Sun at a gathering. It's not metal, never has been, never will be and no matter how many ways it can be made funny that Trump is using a song about a whore house as a campaign song it's obvious the site only cares about hits.
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They will feed of his headless body :P

Oh yeah it really got some people worked up. I haven't looked today, I wonder who has upset the metal world today.
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He might be nutritious

FMD as if the schools fuckups aren't enough now Google is conspiring against me. For some reason Google dumped all the logins and passwords on one of the girls computers and they can't log into the classroom work portfolios. We can log into the school system, we can log in and get the work, but we can't get access to the uploads and stored files to show she's done the work. We can't even reset the passwords because it's all controlled by the school. Yay for remote learning!!
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Yeah I can't work out why Google does it. I can stop Chrome updating automatically by getting into its guts (well I could with older versions anyway), but it's annoying. I can update any other browser and it stays logged into site, but Chrome wants to log out of random websites. It's a stupid annoyance Google should fix, after all it's not like they have anything else to do!
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