Classics Reborn

I like the way Alice thinks. Sure others might not think the next album is the best he's done, or the next live show he's doing isn't but as long as he feels that way it's worth getting off his arse and actually doing it. All bands must have a similar outlook I guess and the fans (or trolls) are there to burst that bubble but Alice has been doing it for a long time so he must be doing something right even if it's only in his mind :)
I don't believe his hype;):p
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Not sure if he's reborn, but he's definitely a classic. Nicko McBrain was 66 yesterday.
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For 66 he does, but he's getting old around the face and his hair is getting thin.
He's definitely looking 66. There was some vids of him in his drum shop a few weeks back and while he wasn't looking decrepit you can see he's aged a lot more in the last ten years than he has before getting to 56. Still he's fitter than I'll be at 66 that's for sure.
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Nah his face is getting more weathered, his lines more defined and his hair is thinning down to the tips like he's spent all his years being a bottle blonde. I think he's also using spak filler on that face of his.
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No idea, it might be a Legacy t-shirt, but his hair is thinning out to the tips, it got little body and it's looking like a peroxide blonde
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Nope, if I have to get old these buggers need to get older and at a rate equal or greater to me. Wait till I start picking on oldman Scott Ian and olderman Dave Snr!

Besides Nicko knows he's getting old he doesn't need me pampering him, he needs me to buy his albums so he can retire in a few years :P
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Haha, I really like the fact that Gene and Paul really don't give a fuck what people think. They constantly get told everything they do is for the money, they constantly get told they are ego driven and they just keep on proving it. There is probably going to be more people in the world who will bitch about this than actually buy it but neither Paul or Gene give a shit, but they are allowing others too!

Weirdly enough walking down shitter aisle at the hardware store and these would not look that out of place with all the weird shapes and colours they stick on dunny seats these days.
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I think we've all know and joked about this for years. There is nothing they won't slap their name and likeness on. It was just a matter of time. Tampons are on the list I'm sure of it.
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In this country if they were sales tax free tampons (because our stupid government thinks tampons are a luxury item so they attract sales tax) they would instantly create themselves a fan base of 50% of the country and never have to sell another album to remain popular.
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