Oh don't worry about offence... it's not like you said anyone that doesn't like Manowar is a fucking loser or anything
You're still saying the world. You're opinion. If you weren't trying to say it's fact you wouldn't drag anyone else into it.
I feel like you think the big4 was bigger here than it actually was. It really took the world to make them that. The metal was flourishing here but still not huge. I have never seen a battle jacket from Europe without someone from the big 4's patch on it. Usually all of them.
It took everyone to do it.
What's new usually is favored precisely for that reason. It's new and you're used to the other stuff.
There's always the people that hate on bands just because they got popular. That doesn't make them mainstream, those bands in the 80's (Slayer NEVER did) didn't seek out mainstream, they got airplay because they were awesome. They didn't even get airplay until the very tail end of the 80's. The big 4 bands were (again outside of Slayer) were more palatable but that's because Mille's voice is obnoxious and is an acquired taste much like Blit'z. And probably why the other three bands (and others) never got anywhere near as popular as Metallica. Even before they turned into watered down shit. Hetfields voice was badass.
I'll put the first few albums from any of those bands against any from Kreator..except maybe Anthrax who was inconsistent in heaviness.
But some people like the more obnoxious sound. To me Kreator doesn't have the power or the riffs that Metallica had. Megadeth had genius riffs like nobody else. Slayer is just brutal and Anthrax is fun but also have great riffs. There is something unique about each of the big4 bands. That's what made them what they were. Kreator was just aggressive. Not much style to me.
And that absolutely appeals to a certain set of people. It didn't to me for many years but as the years go by I appreciate it more and more.
We had the same group of people saying bands like Kreator and Exodus and the more obscure bands are better and it's basically a fact because they hung around with like minded people, but that's just personal preference. Or because they hate anything popular, and still "popular" was a relative term.
The 90's are a whole different thing, Metallica and Megadeth and Anthrax changed completely. The term Big4 dropped off here as well. But that has nothing to do with past albums. And that change in those three bands bands helped Pantera become huge. Because they were a new band. Stylistically anyway. Not many people had heard of or liked them before. But they came on the scene strong and filled the gap left by Metallica Anthrax and Megadeth.Tons of people said fuck the big4 Pantera is the shit. Because they were more aggressive.
But the first four Metallica and Megadeth albums are good all the way through. I can't say the same about Kreator. I can only say they are aggressive.
So I completely understand what you're saying about Kreator. But slays the big4? No.
Priest and Sabbath and those bands had label support and lots of money. That's how they were able to tour in Australia.
And so did Metallica. Same with the glam bands, they had major label support. The others not so much, they were mostly on indie labels. Plus dude Australia is fucking far! lol
But let's not pretend you don't have some weird chip on your shoulder about it. You have mentioned the Big4 in a negative way several times and emphasized that they're American and that Australia didn't get the shows while the bands that did go to Australia are favorited by you.
And since I'm sick as a dog I really don't know if I put any of this into coherence.It's hard to gather my thoughts right now. So take it all with a grain of salt lol
Which Exodus would that be? Paul, Dukes? or the guy that sounds like AC/Dc on overdrive.