

Jan 10, 2005
Man, SoundClick rocks. I just now decided to finally get an account to start putting up my clips. I started with a couple of very...very...very old tracks that I recorded at home on my PowerBook with ProTools LE. Check out the 80's song I did with a friend back in the day when we got bored. The other clip is a Dream Theater-ish thing I did when I couldn't sleep one night. Guitars on the 80's song are a mic'ed 5150 combo in a closet with a Neumann TLM103 into an MBox, vocals done with the same mic. Guitars on the DT song are all PODxt. Comment!

Dude.. drop the whole death metal thing and keep up the 80's style thing you got going one there!! it's so freakin good!

"when the shadows GROOOWWW!!" "dark wanderer, night wanderer!!"

amazing.. just... amazing...
Thanks Nebulous, it's easy when I use to play in shred metal bands from early on in my guitar "career", heh. We've actually talked about doing some more songs a few weeks ago, but nothing for sure yet, you guys will be the first to hear it though, lol. I'm glad you like it, most people that have heard it love it as well...not too sure why :).

So Bob, you don't like my screw around DM stuff? I do it because it's easy. No other reason. I use to be heavily into death metal, but I've seen the light in other genres, heh. I'm trying really to focus on the blues-rock stuff, it's realllllly fun to play and gets me PAYING gigs at bars. Fun stuff. Any other comments?

So Bob, you don't like my screw around DM stuff?

Haha.. nah OO6.. i did not really mean that you need to drop that.. :tickled: i was just joking around since the dark wanderer song is so funny compared to the rest..

So no.. don't drop the death metal style.. i love what you do with it, love the riffs as well! you def. need to keep it up! :headbang:
It's me and the guy who played bass guitar on it, we didn't expect the "BOOM!" lol. We have this thing where we make fun of James Hetfield of Metallica, we all do extremely well impersonations of him doing his signature phrases "Yeah" "WHoahhhhhhhhwhoah" "BOOM!" and "OOOOOO YEA-AH!". Well when Ryan did the Boom we were totally not expecting it. It was extremely hilarious and then we were laughing so much everytime we heard it during playback that I never remembered to edit it out :).

We weren't exactly shooting for impressive anything on the track. This was done on laptop speakers btw so it was a little hard to do *anything* as far as mixing is concerned. It was a blast though.

cobhc said:
Vocal's sound a little loud to me, love the rest of the production though, it sooo has that 80's feel to it.

No no's exactly the right volume for this song. I think this song is a milestone in the history of funny songs.:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Any further edit on this song would destroy the feeling.:tickled:

Best thing now would be making a video
ROFL! Hmm, good idea actually. I could find a church that looks like it's in a desert, and video tape me playing the solo on my guitar with no amp a la Slash on one of the GnR videos. Then shoot the vocals being done while walking down a street downtown somewhere when it's busy. Then of course an old abandoned warehouse where the full band is playing. It could be fun...:) I'm actually working on another 80's song as I post this. I gotta call the guy who did vocals to see if he wants to do some more songs, hehe.
