C'mon Billy, tell it like it is...

My friend said it best in the ANthrax board about me and what I was doing way before SOD reunion entered my life again. NEVER again.
Paul Crook said it best, "Charlie is the most evil woman I have ever met" Fact! Scott is a whole other can of worms.

As far as the ballad of ANTHRAX. We were playing the Metro in Chicago. We were going to announce the ballad of Walter payton. I said this is a new song, "The ballad of..(pause).. someone in the audience yelled ANTHRAX. Charlie BEnante ran off stage and refused to come out until I went and got his bitch ass. You can actually hear the Audio recording on my fan site.
www.sod-mod.com it's on there in the downloads or just e-mail the web master and he'll get you a link.
Now here's another one. SOD did a press release in 1999 at the coney Island club on 8th street. We announced a reunion all 4 of us and we took questions from the press, fanzines and fans. Someone went to the mic and asked Charlie if the reason they are doing SOD is because no one cares about ANTHRAX anymore. Well Charlie snapped and was about to walk away when I told the heckler that we wanted to do SOD for the fans. It was time to do it. Scott later told me thank you for defusing the situation.
It's a simple fact I actually like scott still but he is Charlies bitch end of stroy. He made promises he didn't keep. He never once stood up to Charlie during one of his bitch fits on the road.
More importantly, When we did our first tour in europe Charlie quit SOD the first day of the tour and said, You can get your buddy Dave to play if you want to. That day I was talking with Dave LOmbardo when Grip inc. played WFF or Dynamo I think it was. I always told Charlie since your so unhappy doing SOD I'll get DAve Lombardo to do it. At least he want to seize the day and have fun. The reason I say this is because CHarlie and Scott effect peoples lives and careless when they lie straight to your face to get whatever they want. Then they leave you flat and dry.
Understand this. I don't give a fuck about SOD. IT was fun and that's it. I do SOD songs live with MOD an it's fun, end of story. All I ever cared about was the "RESPECT I EARNED" from everyone involved with me in my life. I expect it becuase I give it! So here is the deal.
Not one call to say MErry Christmas, HAppy BIrthday-NOTHING!! NO call saying I'm in town I can spend 20 minutes for a cup of coffee do you want to meet me in the city. NOTHING. BUt whenever, and I MEAN WHEN EVER scotts ass was in a bind, I was there like a true friend.
This being said, I am telling the truth. I could careless about the babies on ANTHRAX BB who think I'm a dick because I speak the truth about the guys. I don't give a fuck about Blabberbitches on blabbermouth. YOu got beef with me for something? CAll me fucking out I am ready!!
I called all the shit they were going to do from the reunion to lying about Darrells death as the reason for it. The reunion was planned for 6 months before he was killed. I had it up on my message board they were planning it and that was August sometime before it even happened to Darrell. For christ sakes dude. Even Rob Caggiano said that was bullshit and it was only about the money. They cashed in on dimebags death!!!! Everyone sees it. Everyone knows it. What the fuck does that tell you about them? Fucking Pathetic Human Beings!!! People are just pissed that I speak my mind. Well fuck you I am going to. Charlie and Scott opened this can of worms. Only they can close it. I aint going nowhere.
There will be a reckoning. I swear on my blood!
Billy is just as he describes there. He's a no bullshit, straight shooter, LOYAL till the end and always has been. I'm proud to be his friend. Billy's a man of integrity and I respect that.
Three types of people I can't stand. 1. hypocrites 2. whiners and complainers who offer no solutions 3. yes men and conformers who don't stand up for others or themselves and their beliefs. Nothing irks me more than those types of useless fucks.
Shenk, just loooked at your page. I take it you like red? ?

Ha! Yeah, my guitars? I always end up with red...I do like it. Those pics don't do them justice. The Jackson isn't anywhere near that orange...it's a purer red with a matched tiger maple top...sweet! The Carvin is almost orange...that guitar model only came in that red, black or white. My kids hate the color, but who cares, that guitar is a classic! That was an amazing eBay purchase.

schenk...have you tried the jvm 410? oh my god.

im sellin some shit to get it.

I'm sure it's amazing, but that's waaaaay outta my price range.

I play through a customized late 70's Peavey Artist. It was modded by a cool dude in Illinois. He basically rebuilt all the shortcomings and made a one of a kind killer combo. It's has a single 15 inch Celestion which he found unused from the 70's...amazing tone.

I dig custom shit.
What software do you use to record?

No software...just a little Korg D4...not using the built in modeling, but going in directly from my Roland Micro Cube. Quite simple. I'm glad you liked it. I really want to have 4 finished pieces posted in a few months. I'll put up tidbits every now and then...check the blog. I'm enjoying doing the page and getting the feedback.
If you ever want to check out the software side of recording let me know, I have just about everything you can use for it, its much easier--especially correcting mistakes.
If you ever want to check out the software side of recording let me know, I have just about everything you can use for it, its much easier--especially correcting mistakes.

Correcting mistakes?...hey that's cheating!

Sounds interesting...I'd like to check it out. I'm lucky if I can find the time to fart, let alone learning programs...I wonder if it's easier than these silly little 4 tracks?