Cob-forum member photogallery!

Originally posted by kontan
So young and surfing in the net? :p
Very cool picture. Is he your little brother or something?

Hey! Its me.. But its over 16 years ago..:grin:
Theres more this kind of pics from me, maybe I put them on net someday..:D
Originally posted by Mahawkk
and would that 'something" be your kid, dude? it's a cute baby, indeed. well, i can see somebody in this forum aint waistin' sperms!

Don't get pissed off man! I've repetedly said that my english are not the best (maybe bad). OK?
The baby is realy cute!
*heartily hopes the enquiry is not a sarcasm or anything*

when you click a link you send a bunch of info to the http server, including the "referer" tag which says from what address you clicked that link... so some servers check if the referer is any other server, to prevent external linking and stuff

and when you click the link from here and the server shows you an error page, and you do that drag trick, the referer tag points to that error page you see, which naturally is hosted on the same server.
i hope you didn't jump off the balcony just yet... if you were already thinking of doing so, well, life sucks anyway so go ahead :-P