Cob-forum member photogallery!

The deal is done.

Rappion Lapsi has decided to take the gallery to his own webspace, which means no more those stupid "bandwidth limit has exceeded" messages. He promised that gallery will be on new server during next weekend. At least we hope so. Until then gallery will be on brinkster. Guestbook seems to be a little useless, so it will removed. RL has something in his mind for replacing it... I have no idea about sending pictures, but I think RL tells that when the time comes.

There's a dark side too (at least for me :lol: ) I can't be webmaster anymore, because RL won't give his passwords - what a suprise - so my story with gallery has come to end. So, give it good home RL and take care of it *sob*.

Oh fuck I'm finally free!
Originally posted by Dethroned

Oh fuck I'm finally free!

I know it, i know it!!

Soon my e-mail is full of ugly faces and im like "oh fuck, wish that someone could take this job" :lol: :lol:

But really, im going to make a new system, that you can see a picture, and theres a box under that picture, and you can give a feedback.

I hope that this is ok for everyone. :) Tell now if it is not!

But at first we use same that same layout which Dethroned made :)
>Soon my e-mail is full of ugly faces and im like "oh fuck, wish that someone could take this job"

haha so that's why you quit Deth... Thomas i told you! i told not to spam the guy with your pics and now he's gone! :-P
Originally posted by EagleFlyFree

haha so that's why you quit Deth... Thomas i told you! i told not to spam the guy with your pics and now he's gone! :-P


That was one reason. ;) Other reasons were all those women's pics, I couldn't stand them anymore! Too much beautiessssaaarrrgghhh! ermh... I'm addicted. Janina and Johanna, I blame you :lol:

And yeah, pics are still unseen ( personally I haven't looked at gallery since last update), try to remove your Tempotary Internet Files, that worked at last time.