Cob-forum member photogallery!

How about if I take over and make the gallery.. it won't have fucking feedback, but it'll be stable, there'll be no pop ups, We'd be filtering out the people who don't post here anymore, and I'd be able to update it very regularly

Is that cool with everybody? Rappion?
I made a list, are any of these posting here anymore?


Abrasive-X (0)

AFSilverstar (0)

Alachi (0)

AlexiFollower (0)

Alexis Goddess (0)

Arakys (0)

Arttum (0)

BtK (0)

Carnivore (0)

cinflames (0)

Cornholio (0)

Cows On Million Man March (0)

Dark Insanity (0)

DarkNoise (0)

Dawnghost (0)

Deadly Fog (0)

DeadWinterDead (0)

DoAsISayNotAsIDo (0)

GUitaristOfWar (0)

Infected Core (0)

LordHypnos (0)

Mahawkk (0)


Wolfenmond (0)

Wookiss (0)

Zicrom (0)

Ok, tell me, have you saw these guys a long time?
sorry that i didn't reply before, i had to go
well let's see... i don't spend thaaat much time here, and i don't visit a lot of threads either, so handle this list with care...
and anyways if someone gets deleted then he or she can just resend their pic

AFSilverstar (0)
Alachi (0)
AlexiFollower (0)
Alexis Goddess (0)
Arakys (0)
Arttum (0)
BtK (0)
Carnivore (0)
Cornholio (0)
Cows On Million Man March (0)
Dark Insanity (0)
DarkNoise (0)
Deadly Fog (0)
DeadWinterDead (0)
Infected Core (0)
Wolfenmond (0)
Wookiss (0)
Zicrom (0)
Very nice Rappion! !:kickass:

Yeah, those listed above can definitely go for now

And here are some more who I believe no longer post here (for worse in some cases):

Blood Fiend, Burning angel, ~Casse~, Chaotic manifesto, DoAsISayNotAsIDo, grimmu, loWildChild, Ruthless, Shadowlioness, towo, tradegy, Ukstin, Vero Perkele (My apologies if they do post in the Finnish board, but YOU would know ~Rappion)

Like he said, if/when they come back they can have it re-sent.

Oh yea i got it.. I know what i do tonight :D


Some of those are still in finnish discussion and Towo is here sometimes, or is he?

And btw, have you Ever saw this guy called "MOONCHILD"? I havent.

