COB not melodic death

I hear NO elements of death anywhere in their music. Why don't you guys just stop worrying about it. CoB is metal. That's it. Their music has been made by mixing so many genres and sub-genres that your head would explode from trying to figure it out. Just sit back, open a beer, and enjoy it. Fuck labeling it.

Well, if you listen to the old CoB stuff that's a whole different world than the hatecrew deathroll. They have really changed a lot!
dilema1362 said:
theyre self described heavy metal. end of discussion.

Good job for being specific!

Not only do you deserve a cookie for your efforts, you can have a shortbread one! GOOD FOR YOU!

random_phil said:
*Agrees with DE.*

There are some melodic death influences in their stuff though, especially on Hatebreeder.

It seems to me only really in the vocals, although I can't say I've listened to the album a lot.