What music does COB actually play?

they combine many kind of metal such as; power, death, black, neo-classical.
but did they really say COB is punk? I hav never listened punk, so i dont know they are punk or not.
but Alexi has a side-project punk band called "Kylähullut".
goth_fiend said:
how's about metal, thats all I call em
DING DING DING! You get the genious award! I've said exactly that many, many times before. I doesn't really fucking matter (unless it's rap or pop :lol:) what a band is, it's ALWAYS debatable, as this thread JUST PROVED. Some people just like the dick measuring contest involved in trying to see who has more knowledge about what 'genre' a certain band is. As for the smarter people like you and me, we don't sweat the redundant, trivial things. We just call it metal and during the time they're wasting bickering about what kind of metal is, we spend it headbanging to the badass tracks.

lunatic_cherry said:
Who fucking cares what it is called?! ;)
If it rocks, it rocks. No matter what style it is. But that's just my point of view...
*GIVES A FUCKING COOKIE* YOU'RE COOL TOO!!! *PETS* Geez, I'm glad there's people with brains out there, I was getting worried...

dilema1362 said:
^ dont make it seem like theres such a variety, theres really only 2 bands in the genre.

CoB and norther, who, lets be honest here, may as well have started out as a bodom cover band though theyve managed to surpass the former

DUDE! Those are both great bands, but if you're saying Norther has become better than CoB, go GET YOUR FUCKING EARS CHECKED ASAP! Seriously, go to the hospital NOW! You can think they're better, that's your opinion, and that's cool. But they're definately not. CoB vs Norther in a battle of the bands, guess who goes home crying.... NORTHER! Don't get me wrong, I love Norther... But play 'Tornado of Souls' or 'Youth Gone Wild' and then ANY CoB cover... I rest my case. Their original stuff is good too, but to not better than CoB. (In my opinion and based on record sales/fanbase)

lost_within said:
It's heavy metal, with a mix of power/black metal...i don't like the idea of them being punk rock...i hate all type of punk that exists!!!
FUCK YEAH! Punk is for old people, and new age punk bitches in spikes and shit. Torra-lorra-lorra!
sevenways said:
they combine many kind of metal such as; power, death, black, neo-classical

It doesn't seem that in CoB music we can find a lil' of Power Metal, to me... I think they're so far away from that kind of music...

Well, it's just my opinion...
Authentic Metalhead said:
Their songwriting and riffs sometime reflect power metal, but Alexi hates it when people call it that. I still consider them to be neo-classical metal.

Yeah,and on the whole I've always done the same...
Authentic Metalhead said:
I still consider them to be neo-classical metal.

AYDY definitely doesn't have any elements that can be considered neo-classical or black.

The first album and maybe a few songs on Hatebreeder could be considered somewhat "black". I don't like them being considered black metal.
There wasn't and still there isn't a sharp outline, talking about the kind of music, everybody knows it... it's just metal, I don't know what else to add to the definiton, but I've always been firmly convinced that even if some riffs could remember of power metal, well, their music is far from that style anyway...