What music does COB actually play?

Chamet said:
Well, i've heard and read loads of different opinions about what COB plays, someone somewhere even said that they play punk rock...
anyways, i personally think that they play melodic death metal, but some people say theat they play melodic back metal and others say that they play thrash metal.
so, what do they actually play?
EmoGoreGrind? ParisHiltonCore? Christian Porn Punk? White Power Gay Disco?

Seriously, it's difficult to classify. The closest would be something along the lines of "neoclassical extreme metal" for their early stuff, respectively "melodic heavy/thrash metal" for the newer material.
^ Yeah, that's about right. I don't like it when people classify it as death metal, because anyone who knows a thing or two about death metal wouldn't put Children of Bodom in there. I still think it belongs in the melodic black metal category for their older stuff and yeah, melodic heavy/thrash for the new stuff.
it's NOT black metal. these guys don't worship satan and they don't go around burning down churches and all that crap. CHILDREN OF BODOM ARE MELODIC DEATH METAL. and no, alexi's vocals are not black metal. its death metal. but yeah, there are elements of power and thrash metal in them. not so much thrash though. :kickass:
They're more too melodic than most of the melo-death bands I know of.

But yeah, Authentic Metalhead has it:

who gives a fuck what kind of metal it is as long as it kicks some ass?

"Genre controversy

To what specific genre Children of Bodom actually belongs to is highly debated amongst fans and critics alike. Some debate that the band is part of several musical genres, including melodic death metal, neo-classical metal, progressive metal, melodic black metal, power metal, speed metal, and thrash metal. Some sources claim the band is 'extreme power metal', due to the band's overarching use of power metal elements throughout their discography, and their use of extreme metal elements combined with these. Others feel the band has no association with death metal or black metal, due to the bands lack of integration into the scenes associated with either genre, though much of the black metal influences are present in Alexi's screaming/growling vocals and some usage of blast-beating drums. Some claim the band as thrash metal, due to some of their influences on early albums being thrash metal bands, and their first albums sharing some sonic similarity with thrash metal songs. Others discount all of the above suggestions, claiming the band as a speed metal band due to the use of high tempos akin to power metal and thrash metal. Several people also claim Children of Bodom are Blackened Power metal (Power metal mixed with black metal influences).

Alexi Laiho, the lead guitarist of the band, is reluctant to categorize their music as anything more specific than metal that is not power metal (though in one interview, he does not dismiss the black metal elements, claiming that his "roots are in black metal to give them a heavier sound than everyone else"). [7]"
Authentic Metalhead said:
I fear the day when their next albums comes if that's the case...if I want to listen to post-70's punk rock, I'll just look through my local Best Buy for basically 65% of the bands listed in the racks.

i think hes joking :) cuz later you can hear em jam on TLS...
I'm not usually one for genres, and CoB is one of those bands that aren't really catagorizable by definition, and the closest i can come with is Blackened Power Thrash or somthing.

They definiatly have a power metal influence, as much so they have a thrash influence, and i'd say in the earliest days they were really a very very extremely melodic black metal band, if such a thing can exist.