No offense, but that is not a very pleasant birthday present. Write her a poem instead, oh and give her flowers.NordicSon said:hey all !
i 've searched the web for a CoB sticker for the back window of the car of my girlfriend (shall be a bday present)
but couldnt find one
got anyone a idea where to get one ?
Grof said:Well you can go to a sticker shop like those that make stickers and logos for firms you can get a sticker for 30 bucks
zakk_hate_me_666 said:anal lube is a much better gift anyway, nobody wants anal with no lube.. god!
i love you man! seriously!imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:i guess youve never met WOAD then.
thats the spirit!imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:why waste 30 bucks on a cob sticker when you could spend it on beer and anal lube.