COB to tour North America with Amon Amarth

I got extremely sick the day before the Bodom show. I slept through the first two bands and then when Bodom came on, I was feeling so shitty that I couldn't even enjoy myself. I think I got the stomach flu and I'm just starting to recover today.

The setlist was this...

Hate Me
Children Of Decadence/Chokehold
Living Dead Beat
Are You Dead Yet
Children Of Bodom
Needled 24/7
Angels Don't Kill
We're Not Gonna Fall
Mask Of Sanity/Deadnight Warrior
Bodom Beach Terror
In Your Face

Overall it was a pretty good show with little mistakes, but what really disappointed me was that they didn't even finish playing Children of Decadence or Mask of Sanity. I was especially looking forward to that gnarly keyboard solo towards the end of mask of makes me think that they can't even play it anymore.

I have recordings of Hate me and Living Dead beat from the show, but the bass is too loud so they're kinda shitty.
My favorite pic from the show...

I got extremely sick the day before the Bodom show. I slept through the first two bands and then when Bodom came on, I was feeling so shitty that I couldn't even enjoy myself. I think I got the stomach flu and I'm just starting to recover today.

The setlist was this...

Hate Me
Children Of Decadence/Chokehold
Living Dead Beat
Are You Dead Yet
Children Of Bodom
Needled 24/7
Angels Don't Kill
We're Not Gonna Fall
Mask Of Sanity/Deadnight Warrior
Bodom Beach Terror
In Your Face

Overall it was a pretty good show with little mistakes, but what really disappointed me was that they didn't even finish playing Children of Decadence or Mask of Sanity. I was especially looking forward to that gnarly keyboard solo towards the end of mask of makes me think that they can't even play it anymore.

I have recordings of Hate me and Living Dead beat from the show, but the bass is too loud so they're kinda shitty.

Man that sucks, I'm sorry to hear you were sick, that's so not fair. But I hope you feel better soon, glad to hear you're recovering, and thanks for posting the set-list.

BUT wtf, no KtS... I'm gonna be pissed if they don't play it when I go. I'm seeing them twice, on the 18th and 19th and they better do something cool, and change it up, it's their only show in Canada the bastards :lol:

I mean I understand it's their last tour in support for AYDY before they take a break and hit the studios in may (hopefully) but still, they better go out with a blast :)

P.S. The reason why I asked was because SOMEONE told me that they played "In the Shadows" which I didn't believe for a fucking second :lol:
I got extremely sick the day before the Bodom show. I slept through the first two bands and then when Bodom came on, I was feeling so shitty that I couldn't even enjoy myself. I think I got the stomach flu and I'm just starting to recover today.

The setlist was this...

Hate Me
Children Of Decadence/Chokehold
Living Dead Beat
Are You Dead Yet
Children Of Bodom
Needled 24/7
Angels Don't Kill
We're Not Gonna Fall
Mask Of Sanity/Deadnight Warrior
Bodom Beach Terror
In Your Face

Overall it was a pretty good show with little mistakes, but what really disappointed me was that they didn't even finish playing Children of Decadence or Mask of Sanity. I was especially looking forward to that gnarly keyboard solo towards the end of mask of makes me think that they can't even play it anymore.

I have recordings of Hate me and Living Dead beat from the show, but the bass is too loud so they're kinda shitty.
in san diego they finished mask of sanity
Tonights the fuckin' show! Me and my buddy are gonna smoke a dub before we go in there. Gonna be tight. :Smokin:
Could anyone who attended the following shows possibly be kind enough post the set-lists for each, I'm curious to see what it has been lately and if KtS is really gone for good :( and if they've added any other songs or at least played any different for one show :p:


Thanks to whomever responds, you're helping me and everyone else out :D:D
I went to the Lawrence show. I have very little idea the order of which they played these songs but I remember which ones they played. Here goes nothing.

Bodom Beach Terror mixed with something else
You're Better off Dead
Needled 24/7
In Your Face
Six Pounder
Living Dead Beat
Are You Dead Yet

There are some others and the order is a little bit of guessing and very little memory. It was my first time seeing them live so I was kinda taken back by everything. I saw Alexi run for the side of the stage, didn't know he was puking haha, but he came back and gave a fucking unreal show. I have a feeling Ill be following COB for awhile.
Saw the minneapolis show last night. Sick show and sick venue much better then unholy alliance venue. Amon Amarth was sick and really got the crowd going. It was my first time seeing them and I will deffinetly want to again. Sanctity and Gojira were good. I wont buy any of there cds but it was fun watching them. COB were a little late getting on due to technical errors but it was a kick ass setlist. Its the same as everyone has been saying with them cutting part of mask of sanity and children of decadence. Also no KtS which I was dissapointed with but oh well. There seemed to be little mistakes that I picked up on. Also Randy Blythe came out and sang In Your Face with bodom. That was really cool. My ears are still ringing from last night with was a fucking wicked time. Only thing that sucked was the 2 and a half hour drive back to wisconsin.
Yeah the Minneapolis show was bomb. Amon Amarth played the crowd the best. Although it took forever for Bodom to get started, it was worth it. Also when Randy showed up before the set and during In Yo Face. Good shit. We cheeched up my car so bad smoke was pouring out of it for over a half an hour in the parking lot. Hahaha That whole parking garage must've reeked of dank. :Smokin: