Collective questions for Mr. Sneap -thread

Mr. Sneap please 3 questions:

1. Do you use analyzer or ears only ?
2. Do you use impulses or micing or both for records ?
3. Do you make final mix and master in PT at once or master separate ?

no impulses no drum samples ? all live miced only ?

hey, I'd recommend you to dig your way through this forum a bit, it's all here and been answered over and over again. the FAQ alon will answer your question.

sorry for being a dick, but Andy's really giving some good tips here, don't wanna stop his "flow of answers" by asking the same old (and already answered) questions over and over again :(
hey, I'd recommend you to dig your way through this forum a bit, it's all here and been answered over and over again. the FAQ alon will answer your question.

sorry for being a dick, but Andy's really giving some good tips here, don't wanna stop his "flow of answers" by asking the same old (and already answered) questions over and over again :(

Tf you know answer for my another questions, please answer it. Didn't found in FAQ.
[UEAK]Clowd;8238234 said:
I saw these questions earlier in the thread but they were never answered so I'm going to re-word and re-ask them.. I think they are important questions.

1. One of the bigger differences between an amateur recording and a pro recording is the vocals... the really pro guys have this very specific vocal sound, and while it obviously varies from song to song and from artist to artist, it always has that same quality about it that is hard to explain... what is this? is there a standardly practiced EQ or something that I'm not aware of? what's the secret?

2. How do you get the bass and the guitars to mesh so well together? almost like they are one singular unit.

I think with vocals its down to good compression. I'm a big fan of the distressor, the dbx 160 is pretty good too. Theres no standard eq. As far as bass and Gtrs sitting together, thats called tight playing and good mixing, theres no secret to that either I'm afraid, its all down to the recorded tone. I'd def recommend recording gtrs first tho so you can get a bass tone that sits in the right place.
Mr. Sneap please 3 questions:

1. Do you use analyzer or ears only ?
2. Do you use impulses or micing or both for records ?
3. Do you make final mix and master in PT at once or master separate ?


1. no, I said earlier here I dont use an analyzer.
2. Just mics
3.I make master in Pro Tools, no point mastering separate, I use waveburner to compile.
Who's calling the shots on what amp(s) to use on a record? Is that more your decision or the guitarists'? Do you bust out a few different tones and say "which one do you like?" Do you just get everyone drunk so they don't care what amp you use?


How the fuck do you KNOW what to use for what band and what player?
Is that just your experience with gear and players?

How the fuck do you KNOW what to use for what band and what player?
Is that just your experience with gear and players?
I'm guessing he's familiar enough with the amps he owns to know what sorts of things are going to work with a certain player. But there's probably a lot of experimenting too so I'm curious as well.
Without getting into the money discussion, I'm pretty sure that bands go to Andy for a reason. I can imagine a large part of that is knowing what to use when without much hand holding, and considering he is more than likely compensated well for his years of experience, I doubt he would be getting return business if people (guitarists, etc) in the end felt they knew what tone worked better. :D
Mr. Sneap please 3 questions:

1. Do you use analyzer or ears only ?
2. Do you use impulses or micing or both for records ?
3. Do you make final mix and master in PT at once or master separate ?


to 1 andy answered by accidentally editing my post instead of pressing the quote-button, you can see the "last edited by andy sneap" text in the bottom:

"I've used an analyzer in studios before but I just trust my ears normally, I use a waves meter to measure RMS."

Who's calling the shots on what amp(s) to use on a record?

Producer > everyone else

and sorry people, I will edit the answered questions to the first post when I get home, visiting my parents for the weekend :)