Lasse Lammert
HCAF Blitzkrieg
Also, do you use only one comp on vocals or several in series?
he once said he uses the distressor on the way in and rComp itb
Also, do you use only one comp on vocals or several in series?
Do you aim for quite a bit of gain reduction, or do you lightly compress? I assume there is alot of compression going on.
any special attack / release/ ratio settings you find yourself using again and again?
Andy, do you always use Beat Detective in your works (at least to set to the grid the performance)or, if the drummer is very good, you use the performance without edit it?
Thank you
Andy, I know you are a busy guy but, any plans to update I would LOVE to see more pictures of your studio!!!![]()
That's cool. I'd like to see the studio tour section gotten around to whenever you have time, that would be coolI actually just managed to get the rooms fully tidied and organized before I came away. I've been in California for the best part of four months since October with 70000 air miles clocked up traveling back and forth so the web site hasn't been priority. I'll be home by the end of May so I will try and get to it.
I actually just managed to get the rooms fully tidied and organized before I came away. I've been in California for the best part of four months since October with 70000 air miles clocked up traveling back and forth so the web site hasn't been priority. I'll be home by the end of May so I will try and get to it.
I don't really have any technical questions for you. But I was curious about some of the logistical stuff.
Do you like spending so much time away from home? If you were able to secure more work in the US with some bigger named artists, would you, or would you consider relocating to the US?
Do you have family, girlfriend/wife at home riding your ass for being away so long?
PS: "Location: at home"
just girlfriend who is cool and understands.
I have to say this time away, although a long time, has been pretty easy going. Decent place to live, hire car, sensible hours etc. I don't really like doing the hotel thing for weeks on end. I don't feel any need to live in the US when a flight is £300 and I have studio and home in the uk although I do like the US alot. No wife and family, just girlfriend who is cool and understands.
When traveling to the US like you have been, what are the essentials that you bring with you in terms of studio/work gear (and subsequently what do you rent/get from the US for the sessions)?
I noticed in the Exodus pics the monitors you said came from GC, but was the rest of the mobile rig your own? I also saw on the last Chimaira DVD that you tracked drums in a studio, so that probably didn't require much for your to bring, either.
I don't usually take much at all, couple of mic's maybe, tubescreamer and gate, tension watch for the kit etc. I have my laptop and mbox for any editing after hours but besides that usually theres enough at the studio.